Jesus Presley

Now here’s an idea with some merit.

I have to assume, being a Bugatti, that getting to that one screw to tighten it requires disassembling approximately 60% of the vehicle.

Thank you for this wonderful ticket to hell. Have a star. 

It’s fine. You can be wrong about things. I’m not angry.

Nothin like memories of child abuse to brighten up a day

that design looks like it was sponsored by brembo

I am a heterosexual man, here are my thoughts:

Yep, I’ve watched about all of James May’s The Reassembler episodes. I may also have been known to spend way too much time watching Chip Channel Restorations...

This must be one of those “over-the-air updates” I’ve been hearing so much about.

None of his relationships are healthy. They’re intense, rapid, high-profile, and then they implode in under a year.

It’s not just the “tiny fraction of” bad cops, it’s the overwhelming majority of chips who leap to protect bad cops from the consequences of their actions, and who in doing so, encourage that badness.

(I submitted this comment as a reply to someone else’s comment as well.)

The judge said one thing that really stuck with me. Smollett harmed actual victims of actual hate crimes. Especially those who are now worried about coming forward and facing increased skepticism.

When I first heard the story my immediate reaction was that he was full of shit. Walking around with the noose still around his neck? GTFO!

I don’t know how this can be seen as anything but a mental health issue. I guess it goes to show there are megalomaniacs orchestrating their own persecutions, albeit on smaller scales, probably all over all the time. It’s a form of gaslighting or something, and evidence indicates when these charades are unveiled the

All I could think about when I heard him say that was how his family must have felt hearing it. As if he hasn’t put them through enough already, now he is suggesting for no reason at all that he will be killed in jail. I think he deserves every bit of this sentence, not only for giving ammo to those who deny hate

Now it would all come full circle if he tries to orchestrate a fake “suicide’ in jail

Overly harsh? He deserves every day of that sentence and more.

So you wouldn’t choose this for yourself.  Got it.

The guy isn’t married nor does he have children. But nice jump to conclusions there sparky.