Jesus Presley

0.0017018 kilometers.  

>Specifically, Lacina called out how Zero Dawn flagrantly tossed around phrases like “braves” and “savages” without including any deeper examination of said phrases, nor the historical weight behind them.

So are we adding a section to the review scores for how much a game has potentially offensive material to hyper sensitive politically correct junkies?

The game could have spent its conclusion confronting these topics head on, daring to use its post-apocalyptic world to say something meaningful about ours.”

It’s not solely a problem with Horizon Forbidden West, nor is it a problem limited to video games. You see it across popular genre fiction these days, as everything from Star Wars to the Marvel Cinematic Universe doubles down on plot over people, going so far as to fill in backstories for enigmatic characters who

I know we use the label of ‘hero’ too often these days. But man... bless you.

Right as the police were dragging this person out of the plane, someone should've whispered in their ear,"Thanks for the DNA."

Considering my 8 year old laptop can play the game at 1920x1080 pretty damn well, I don’t see an issue with the Switch playing it at 720p. Especially on a dedicated handheld. It’ll just depend on how the decide to handle the port and fidelity. 

Imagine if you had paid into the Star Citizen Kickstarter at 50!

You know what? I was wrong and I regret my earlier comment.

Ok. Slowly and clearly.

And what created the conditions that led to Jan 6th again? Misinformation from wishful thinking idiots, among some examples.

I don’t agree to participate in a medical experiment in which a deadly, novel virus spreads through the population like wildfire, rather than taking simple, proven measures to slow the spread of disease, such as wearing a covering over my mouth and nose when indoors to prevent respiratory droplets from spreading

I used to be conservative. My views haven’t changed, but the definition of what conservative is has been driven to the extremes by lunatics. It used to mean personal freedom, smaller government, lower taxes, etc. Now, it seems to to be all about being a racist, embracing insane conspiracy theories, and embracing

“The Series’ reference to Plaintiff was intended to recognize her, not disparage her.”

I don’t see Spencer as being willing to have someone like Kotick stay on as a direct report. Kotick’s gonna get a golden parachute.

I admit I’m kind of offended by this article because I enjoy the hell out of this game and I’m tempted to stoop just as low as this article but instead, I’ll keep this constructive:

I thought I’d chime in during what seems to be a flood of Neogaff and Reddit circlejerk nutcases. For those of us who live in the real world, we are not easily radicalized by angry toxic groupthink on a dying site that isn’t exactly known for great feats of journalism.

It sounds like you already had some preconceived notions about the game before you started, and you kept looking to buttress your argument.

The game is excellent! On early access it is still more polished and rich in content than a lot of AAA titles endorsed by the author of this article.