Jesus Presley

...I paid $2900 for my car. I’m glad you seem to have a large amount of disposable income, but to claim that “1100.00 for a watch isnt (sic) that much” is factually inaccurate.

Now playing

Here’s a nearly seven minute of video of the Lancia Delta S4 from someone who knows better than to play music over Group B rally car sounds.

This. KOH has a little bit of everything along the course, but they are going roughly half the distance of the Baja 1000 I believe.

Horrible embedded player indeed. No direct link to Facebook either while live. And it’s not like they can’t do it, since the post-live video has all those buttons and more.

Its because everything is steel. Everytime they try to build something lighter, do some trick engineering, etc... it breaks because of “unexpected load”.... so they build the crap out of everything with steel. Those rear links from the middle of the truck to the rear spindle weigh about as much as the cast aluminum

Two things:

Sorry, not enough time to get to everyone.

Wouldn’t avoiding a collision trump not breaking the speed limit in terms of priorities?

Actually you could all be speeding and it wouldn’t matter. If you’re blocking traffic and creating a backup of some sort. Do I think this would qualify? probably not, but he’s still blocking “traffic” if you will.

He’s not justifying the Ram’s actions. He’s just pointing out that the Nissan’s actions caused the situation to escalate. Like poking a bear with a stick: of course it's going to get enraged and maul you to death. Remind me why I should sympathize with you again?

“Got what he deserved? Seriously? Fuck you.”

“Absolutely not. Are you a sociopath?”

I’m getting tired of responding to these failures of reading comprehension. It’s a law in a lot of US states. Speeding up to pass is sometimes the safest move. See my other reply in this thread if you are capable of reading it.

“I get blocked in by slower cars all the time. Still haven’t rammed a person off the road, so no, the Z driver should not have thought this was going to happen. It’s far from a common or reasonable reaction dude”

The actions don’t have to be equal for both to be wrong.

“However, the truck driver here takes but is a relatively minor aggrevation and escalates it to attempted murder. No one deserves their life threatened like this except if the other party is acting in self defense, arriving 60 seconds earlier to your destination is not reason enough, nor is any sort of instigation.”

All I see are two equivalent assholes and one winning.

I listened with sound on and at the beginning, the guys in the car are talking about how the Z was blocking him. So clearly, something had been going on to make them start the video, but yeah, you still can’t just run the dude off though.

Let me first say the truck driver should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon and there is no excuse for the truck driver’s actions.

They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.