Jesus Presley

I’ve never had a drop of alcohol in my life and found his wine show extremely fascinating.

Don’t click the link! It will lead to a boring fetch quest.

In the traditional full sized lines, car names designated trim levels from base to medium to premium. They were never intended to be all different car lines but it was one full line of cars in many different bodystyles, rooflines and trim levels. Then the 60's brought compact cars first then intermediates. Some of

Since journalists can be sued for defamation/libel. There’s a difference between making fun of an automotive celebrity and accusing them of doing something shady/illegal.

Why would you even make a custom shell? Just stick a laptop in a rucksack!

Why wouldn’t more cores be an option?

Increased simultaneous threads makes sense from a, maybe a journeyman’s perspective? Not quite layman, I understand a bit more than that lol. I’m definitely not an expert when it comes to threaded performance and the performance limits involved.

I do know that we’re reaching a

18V drills typically top out around 2000 rpm (no load). He’s using 80mm wheels (so circumferance about 251mm). So absolute theoretical top speed would be 8.37 m/s (18.7 mph). Real world with a full size adult on the board he’ll be lucky to see a third of that, so he’ll be doing about 6-7 mph, slightly better than

Would love to see a physics-based RTS where units don’t have set attack values, but instead projectile velocity and material that interacts with the material it hits.


Yeah. Just what we needed. A company with a long history of developing proprietary charging equipment, getting involved with something that’s more important than a dead phone battery.

For console games, you were lucky if a game hit $30 or 40 and was real popular. Old circulars put the games as high as $60-80.

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

1931, 1934, 1950 and 1952 - on the pole with a lay down (on its side) turbo-diesel

Really. 1952.

Yeah, I don’t know if that was a typo or if I just don’t understand what that feature is supposed to be.

It seems they are in the “don’t buy a Monday or a Friday build” stage of manufacturing evolution.

In defence of the baby squishing, misbehaving advanced electronic gizmos is really “Aston Martin Lagonda” levels of build quality! Old Jag levels are more “battery dies overnight” and “bits fall off car at 20mph”…

I might have that game floating around my house right now. Driving the LM-002 in this game was agony. Can’t remember if it could the loop or not. Thanks for the time warp.

Fighting on the shoulder of the BQE while wearing a jogging suit has to be the most New York thing ever.

I can only assume afterwards both the assailants went their separate ways, had terrible pizza for lunch, dropped off their $2500 rent checks, and were then murdered for their gold chains.

Brings back some good memories... didn’t remember the dash of the Integrale was the one of the 8.32.