Jesus Presley

Who the fuck cares what anyone drives when they’ve lost a close friend?

Looks like SoCal. no moisture = no rust

It’s actually silver but because it had been sitting for 30 years had mildewed just a bit.

That *may* be a moldy white stripe you’re seeing.

Southern California is magical. There isn’t a spot of surface rust on it from what I’ve been able to see.

You need a ramp for some jumps!

Yes yes yes THIS! EXACTLY. just because some people jalop-out different does not make them any less.

Yes, I understand how cars work. I started doing oil changes and whatnot on my grandfather’s cars when I was a pre-teen. I refit a six-pack triple carb from a 1970 RB to replace the four barrel on my ‘68 Charger. I’m a car guy. I love cars. I’ve just never had occasion to drive (or to be a passenger in, except once as

If you can dodge an RPG, you can dodge a trailer hitch.

Daily driver - as a college student, it was my only set of wheels.

I rolled my ‘71 super beetle when I was in college in a fit of poor judgement. You’ll be surprised at how rugged and well-engineered they really are as I continued to drive it for four years after the accident. Even pure stock it was capable of handling Michigan fire trails.


Partly that. I was a ski bum at my university’s ski hill, which had the rockiest slopes I’d ever encountered. I was repairing my skis’ bases weekly. My buddies and I joked about the skiers who didn’t care about generating sparks with their edges saying “You know who paid for their skis...” Using and enjoying your

I wonder what the response would be here if someone made the same thing in a Miata, E30 M3 and a brown-manual-wagon...

Yup, remember the times when this would have been a hoon of the day post?

Because I love cars?

The Brakimghini seems pretty popular around here, but I take your point.

I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.

Yeah, it’s mostly just one of my “turn offs” for the game. Other being the cancer subject and there not being any proper gameplay.