Jesus Presley

glad I’m not the only one who felt this way

Didn’t buy “Cancer Thar Dragon” (or what it’s called) because of the heavy handed christian stuff in it. Review said it’s pretty much shoved into your face. So: It wasn’t because of let’s play I decided not to buy it.

Just update this to a better diesel

It looks like a few based on the frames and tubs they have. You could in fact take an older frame and body, add in a newer engine and assemble a really nice Jeep.

Should’ve used the original Jetta tail lamps. They’re vertical, just perfect for pickup truck tail lamps, and maybe move the plate down to the bumper.

OUTCOME THREE: Write a letter to a well- semi- sometimes-respected blogger. Outline your concerns. Elicit sympathy. Get him to paint your tragic picture with his word-brush. Let him share it with his focused audience. Step one is complete.

Now playing

I was watching this older episode of what car should you buy the other day and found it hilarious that the Aston was featured and termed reliable.

My car buddies all call dibs on each other’s cars when they sell them....its so bad I have “dibs” on an Avalanche and a Ridgeline......worst one yet is my friend wants my Focus RS when I’m done with it.... I literally ordered it 2 weeks ago......its not even made yet

Yup. That bugs me about the guy. He won’t practice for his performances. Jobs was great because he obsessed over doing everything perfectly.

“Daaaaamn Elon, back at it again with the white leather cabin!”

Props to the one that did a full circle and landed upright.

Props to that one guy who actually made it.

Blame it on the corporate suits. Along with the hatchet job on HWC, they've managed to mis-manage Matchbox. Plus, they are neglecting the legacy brands Matchbox owned when Mattel bought Tyco/Universal: Dinky, Kidco, and Fast 111's, which Universal bought from Kenner in 1982.
It's not the first time this has happened.

This is the best summary of the situation I’ve seen so far. Nintendo is operating as a company, GG is bad, and she is not at all as innocent as we are being led to believe. She should not have brought so much attention to herself. I'm still curious on what her second job was and why she needed an alias. I don't blame

Oh for fucks sake, there’s a combined total of 5 minutes of the new TG on the interwebs, and youve already determined that HOURS of auto-hoonery programming will be shite.

You’re right about the death threats. That’s inexcusable.

Part of the thing you need to do is be willing to not have a presence on the Internet. This means not running a personal twitter account and not having a Facebook or Google+ account that is accessible to the public. The less footprint you have the Internet, the more shielded you are from the public, which includes

These trolls are the ones that have problems. Game makers need to be able to tell a story, just like movie makers get to do.

look for those pics