Jesus Presley

Just put a fucking camera in the screen bezel like any laptop has. Same perspective, can see behind you.

Awesome cheers

The website called Kotaku has a problem with asian cultural appropriation in a video game about a cute cat.

The irony is that a LOT of sad dudes play as women in their games if they can. I’ve had my ears chewed off so many fucking times by female avatar’d red pilled morons on gender rants, at this point it should be a video game trope.

Fuck yes. Excited to dispense some bitchin’ depravity

Lol you can tell how serious they are by the button layout. If a console has Playstation thumbstick placement it’s for casuals and bound to fail.

French is FAR from being a minoritized language in Quebec. These laws are passing on behalf of Montreal being the default boogeyman they can ride to push the zombified corpse of separatism along to the next election.

This is a fair point and I probably should’ve mentioned I’ve experienced it mostly from folks in their late 40's and up.

Quebec is a spiteful self-centered place, it’s only normal that we reap what we sow. So much of our identity is built around fear and hate of english. I grew up in the weeds of Bas St-Laurent, I’m extremely familiar with the “Quebecois de souche” of Big ol’ Pauline because I was raised by them. I’m the traitor except

It doesn’t need any protection outside of Quebec city (to some extent) and Montreal. That’s the cold hard truth. Rural Quebec is basically 99% french except along the Ontario border where it’s more like 70% french in some places.

I’m french Canadian and I think exactly the same way. I’m bilingual and live in Quebec City, my girlfriend is from Montreal and her parents speak both languages at home, so we also speak both languages in Quebec CT and I wouldn’t have it any other way. English is rhythmically awesome, it sounds great and is fun to

I don’t have a dog in this fight but I see this the same way as the dead space remake. Games that still looks incredible today because of solid art direction and talented devs will look slightly better to 90% of people while actual old games like system shock can have a new life.

There are so many fucking ignorant idiots in this world. People assume that Bethesda QA hasn’t already found all these fucking problems, in a game that is so broken it’s impossible to play 5 minutes without experiencing at least one.

I’m apparently fortunate to be doing QA in a company that develops many smaller apps and I have the pleasure to be defending basically UI/UX decency and quality in front of small teams of affable devs who actually give a shit.

They just needed an supplemental cash cow until they launch their next disaster, the one in space.

I wish that too. They have no competition in that bracket and I hardly see how they could have any, since the compromise is basically that the Quest 2 is cheap because it’s a fucking data harvesting machine so it’s worth it to fuckerberg to sell it at little to no profit (or straight up loss? I don’t know). I don’t

A Quest 2 is 300$ brand new. It’s a standalone device.

I like how the guy just doesn’t say a word and walks away, dead inside.

Sean Murray vaguely announces an ambitious game without any kind of specifics.

All he did was announce the next project which also happens to be ambitious. There is nothing specific about anything so far, we don’t even know what kind of game it’s going to be.