Jesus Presley

I had a colleague who drove a caliber, one day he got out of the car at the office and as he was opening the door, the hinges wore out and misaligned. He didn’t notice and slammed the door “shut” and it gouged the body work. Great car.

Why the fuck should moronic gateway beliefs be given equal measure, consideration or respect? Instead of truth holding it’s own society has given up hope on conspiracy idiots, and is now lazily propping itself up on a moral high ground of being tolerant enough to accept the dumbest shit as being deserving of respect.

What about music and TV shows?

God that was so embarrassing to watch.

I’d like to agree but I played Homeworld, Grim Fandango and Full Throttle both back then and today, and well I can’t.

That’s hilarious because once I was walking down the street with my GF in downtown montreal and on the sidewalk there was a socket. Crowded street, middle of the day. Picked it up. A fucking 10mm. There’s something magical about these 10mil sockets and now I think that someone found all the ones I lost over the years

Good lord this thread.

Ah yes, ban cars, obviously.

The best way to do teambuilding is to treat your employees like children.

That’s so my style. I remember once when I was a DJ in a shit bar a drunk guy wanted to fight me becaue I wasn’t playing his fucking stupid Offspring song, so after a while I had to flag a bouncer and I ended up playing it as he was getting kicked out, interrupting whatever was playing at the time just to put it on

“I dare anyone to question my ethics tbh!”

oh no teh lepht.


They also seem to be geniuses

This is from the Tulsa PD Facebook page. People just advocating for a broad daylight shootout to hum....”neutralize the threat”

Even if they wanted they can’t fire him right now. It’ll come.

LOL good thing the article stopped short of going fully journalistic and claiming the game would spawn an army of blue lives matter terrorists, the same way Doom supposedly encouraged Columbine, and the same way GTA is a “cop killing simulator.

Honestly it’s completely ridiculous. You watch videos of trophy trucks riding ON TOP of 3 foot whoops at a hundred and the cab is barely moving.

Plastic body over tube frame. Crate everything bolted to it. Have nothing in common with production vehicles.

Trophy Trucks are like riding on marshmallow.