Jesus Presley


COO of the CIA?

Spectacular click bait title.

In the beginning stages I was destroying my backlog game after game which was nice but felt like a race in a time when the world was on hold.

Something like this happened to me once at very low speeds.

Just play System Shock 2.

“I think one of my favorite states of mind is something I call appreciative bafflement: A state of confusion so deep and profound that you’re genuinely impressed and appreciate the efforts taken to make such confusing, deeply fucked decisions.”

It’s a game about optimization, consistency and time.

The gun is good, the reload animation is meh. In that sense I always liked the regular shotgun better.

I’ve always wondered how in the span of like two years, “self driving cars” went from nothing to basically just driving around casually like it’s a totally normal thing.

Yes, it’s fucked up and she’s like the only person who seems to like him somehow and not just tolerate his dumbass ass.

Wreckfest is amazing. I’ve been playing for 2 years and barely touched the career. All I do is hop online and race other folks and somehow the online servers and player count are more plentiful than ever.

fucking lol @ “At least you’re dead”

Same. I had it on Xbox 360 day one, and when Online came about it was a shitshow. It was fun if you could get in, but it was a shitshow.

Oh my fucking god....and all of that because she insists on defending a glib ass, twatted out little fucking smug chode that no one actually likes except other insufferable fucksticks gorging on shitty ignorant opinion peddling.

GTA:O’s loading times have been downright catastrophic since day 1 back in whatever year it came out on 360/ps3.


Evel Knievel made a career jumping Harleys instead of dirt bikes. A Lincoln continental is fine and everything went well.

No, they should start with modded New Vegas,

Oh man thank you for this. I’ll get it right away.