Jesus Presley

The age of social media has really thrown a wrench in the concept of “looking up to celebrities” in the most beautiful, uncurated way.

Well the Brian Jonestown Massacre has a Tambourine virtuoso....

Yeah. The hit scan enemies in this game are shameless and infuriating. I played the DOSbox GOG release.

Dear lord you would love The Forest

Essentially yes. For example crouch on A is still the best thing about FEDS for me. However as others have posted some laptop keyboards really suck for this. It’s totally worth trying it on a good keyboard though, and also not giving up after 5 minutes. Another perk is that your fingers are already placed for typing

Yes, I’ve taken breaks because I played uninverted for 2 seconds. My cat could tell I was in distress.

Yes to FEDS. The Xbox controller of PC FPS controls since basically ever. Loathed in public, accepted as superior in closed circles.

OMG please do. I’ve FEDSed for my entire youth with my best friend Alex. We were these fucking dudes at the LAN party, and many a “WHO THE FUCK RECONFIGURED MY CONTROLS” were screamed at ceilings that never deserved it because of us. We never admitted to anything. We also won all the time.

1. Invert controls is yes.

Exactly fuck all of this. I’m glad Megan Markle is dragging them in the mud.

If they did, I wouldn’t have learned what the word “Obstreperous” means.

Aim your passenger side rear view down to know how close you are to the curb. Obviously with electric mirrors. Some cars do it automatically when you put them in reverse.

Question : “What part of you YOU thought ‘Jalop readers need my personal, biased summary of my fuck up + zero insight about the bike?”


I cherish my Hot Wheels of your father’s red #121 Augusta Motor Sales Ford.

Would you consider an obsession with Gilles Villeneuve as a plan B?

I crank it. If the game has only 3 levels I put it on max, if there is more usually one notch harder than normal, or one less than max.

I don’t understand why google could plunk that much fucking money on these ports and shut the studio down because gamez r haardd guyz.

If you needed the car to yank you out of “trouble” in this particular situation get the fuck off the road and ride a bike.

These are troll jobs that actual morons start believing and spreading around.