Jesus Presley

Google : don’t be evil.

You didn’t make that decision. Your choices were to either keep shooting at neverending waves of enemies, which the game did not tell you anything about, or “decide” after a few minutes to break out the phosphorous.

My only problem with the chrome on this car is the lower front bumper. It’s fucking terrible. THAT looks straight out of pep boys.

OMG thank you. I really think the car is actually quite nice, but those front vents have to go.

Conor McGregor seems really intelligent. In general.

Quite a ridiculous story.

I wanted a Fallout tattoo once, and then Fallout 3 happened and I never wanted one again.

I know. System Shock is amazing by the way. Both of them.

Well damn.

When I bought my 65 impala the whole fucking grill was in the trunk, along with everything else that wasn’t on the car (a lot).

Well that’s the first step.

Sure the reviews weren’t exactly glowing but what he’s getting at is that E.T. got the review because it was a big popular franchise, and most games were actually about as bad as ET.

Well haven’t you just figured it all out.

It’s not even an article about Alexis Ohanian.

So the only problem here is that he’s rich, basically?

I’m sure if Ninja tells his rabid fandom of redbull guzzling, shit talking tweakers to stop using racist words the whole gaming world will suddenly be all good.

Haven’t really. I’ve always been curious about stock trading and might have some loose change to give it a shot but I’m not sure I would start this journey on r/WSB.

You have to be a huge fucking moron to end up on r/amc and not realize it has nothing to do with cinema.

My dad played video games so they were fine with it. I’m 38 years old. Some games he bought to play on the 8088 were Lemmings, SimCity, Sublogic’s UFO, Perfect General, Civilization. We probably still have these big box games at home somewhere. He would buy EGM mags every now and then. He had a CoCo with Zaxxon and

I’m shocked at how any people played/owned these.