Jesus Presley

Calm down buddy.

Oh fuck. I rewatched the episode where Jamie and Adam repeatedly hack his fingerprint lock just last week.

Maybe the fact that his page was basically vandalized when he left Twitch has something to do with it.

Big surprise here : people who have a problem with the way this character looks have never been to a gym in their lives, and they probably look like it too.

With the odious Bethesda retconning of Fallout, this show will be just as good as any Fallout game they’ve ever made.

Oh yeah the Micro-Machines Insiders.

Oh yeah mighty max, those were the shit.

Pretty sure you’re talking about Hot Wheels adventures.

Still have mine

Yeah it’s pretty ridiculous. A lifted Scout 800 with the biggest possible tires will rollover at the SIGHT of an obstacle.

It looks like a cartoon firetruck from paw patrol or some shit. Hilarious looking vehicle.

Were american cops too chicken shit for the army so they went to work for the police so they could just shoot at shit with no fear of retaliation?

I think I played the old TMNT ones in Krakow Poland at the pinball museum.

That is fucking ridiculous honestly.

They are both storefronts where people buy games.

I’ve been known to abandon campfire partys because something was glimmering in the woods. I always have a ratchet kit and breaker bar in my car. My old impala has so many bolts and brackets from unrecognizable carcasses...

The whole thing is a rollbar on wheels with a plastic body. You’ll be fine.

Lol the salesmen were huddled up in a group watching porn at work.

The mirrors are fully functional (graphics options) and every truck has a unique cockpit view that matches the real life truck.