Jesus Presley

The default camera angles are gone. You can’t use your dpad anymore to quickly swivel front/back or truck/trailer.

Hahahaha that NPC said “civilization is being rebuilt.”

You guys REALLY like this channel don’t you?

Is Gizmodo shutting down or something?

Yet the header pictures of the article are unequivocal. Sexualized politics are alive and well.

Here, I just designed the perfect controller that Sony should’ve made when the PS1 came out.

This is a Playstation controller, this is what Sony debuted with the playstation. One of the most iconic pieces of gaming hardware and basically the best 2D gamepad ever made (come at me SNES bros) :

Well consultant sure, they probably all do, but considering the context, I doubt it was any kind of very deep involvement.

Actually, here is what the doctor really recommends :

Here you go again with the doctor shit, that never happened.

A doctor did not design the dual shock. This is flat out ridiculous.

I bought a litteral stack of Metal Earth models when the shit hit the fan. I knew I was gonna need them. Glad I did.

Because people are morons.

Because he’s a weak demlib millennial devil enabling beta soyboy

Oh okay you just don’t know how Kinja works. That’s fine.

Well that’s one way to do it.

You are basically correct, so I’m going to buy No man’s sky on sale instead of two heinous Tiger Handheld revival objects.

I could buy a very good game for 14.99.

Lol religion

The need to be special.