Jesus Presley

Oh man, the Kotaku reader has an opinion on boring articles.

Probably a whole bunch of couch coop games, because we’re renting a summer house for the weekend with friends. and beer.

Even the roof has some damage, you can see the dimples appearing out of nowhere when the car hits.

Realms of the Haunting

Honestly, if lane assist meant the car wouldn’t let you get in the passing lane if there was no car to overtake, I’d go on a hunger strike to make it mandatory on all cars.

My post was obviously pretty sarcastic but I see so many contradictions with modern car offerings VS basic safety that I feel like autonomous driving really is more about safety than convenience because it’s impossible to nail it into people’s brains that you could die in a car crash or kill someone else just because

I really like these features because they make it much safer to twiddle on my phone while driving.

So far DOK is really fun but the fact that you can’t edit the mouse keys bindings is pretty annoying. After the first 3 homeworlds I just got so used to focusing on units by clicking the mouse wheel, I wish I could make this work the same.

Finally beat Homeworld 2 this week, so I’ll be starting Deserts of Kharak this weekend.

The only difference between that article and Gita’s extensive pieces on The Sims fuckmods is that Gita is an interesting, skilled writer.

Homeworld 2 Remastered. It is surprisingly fucking hard. I don’t want to trick the dynamic difficulty system by recycling all my units before ending missions, but god damn if I’m not tempted to. Absolutely stumped by the 4th mission at the moment.

Graphics are nothing special, gameplay is nothing to be ashamed of. All in all it’s nothing short of nothing.

I actually have that wishlisted but I’ll probably finish the Homeworld Trilogy before trying it out.


I played stupid amounts of Hot Shots golf. El Suave or whatever the hell his name was.

I have no interest in golf whatsoever but I love golfing games. Love love love them.

It’s always time for new gazelles in a color I didn’t have yet.

It’s always time for new gazelles in a color I didn’t have yet.

This is just a blog. There are no reporters here.

Pretty substantial load of horseshit you got there bud.

The “Troubling precedent” of having to readjust salaries to realistic numbers.