Jesus Presley

The problem with both Overcooked games is that it gets too fucking hard real fucking fast.

I’m actually in the middle of a playthrough of all HW games right now!

LOL, of course they fucking did

I cannot fucking WAIT for this game.

No he specifically mentions kids. This is the bit he recycled we’re talking about :

I have no beef with this, I found it cringe-funny too back then. The recycling of the joke is kinda lame but the reaction to it is the indicator that times are definitely changing.

He did.

Didn’t Dave joke about MJ being a good host in an old DVD of his?

I get that all the time in my RAV4.

What a complete joke the USA have become

That looks honestly incredible. The thing with opaque games with good mechanics is that they usually remain intriguing and motivating for a long time.

Social media is cancer.

Doug’s format is hard to take on cars you only have a passing interest in, I often skip some parts. On cars I like though I’ll watch the whole thing and usually be glad I did, I just don’t watch every video anymore.

Well to be fair, metal is making a comeback in the mainstream through influences in rap music like Ho99o9 and soundcloud artists.

Just goes to show that just because you’re apparently “The shit” you’re not immune to being an insecure chump when some random old man doesn’t want to drink your fucking Whiskey.

Their hearts are in the right place.

I used Joy to Key to twin stick the original Star Wars Dark Forces.

The high res mods are fantastic for environments, character models and enemies are hit and miss.

I already have their System Shock 2 release.

That’s a good take.