the north is full of sparkling snow

One of the things that stuck with me is when during his presidential campaign, his wife told a story about how they were spending their honeymoon in a cabin and she sends him out to get groceries. He comes back with “nothing but Chunky Soup”. And to this day, I ask myself: is that the closest thing to a likeable anecdo

Ted’s own daughter literally wanted nothing to do with him. She ran off when he tried to hug her. His wife had a mental breakdown by the side of the road.

Pete Davidson: the guy “nice guys” think they are.

Yeah, Pete Davidson isn’t conventionally a “hot guy”, but I strongly suspect he’s good company, funny, and low-stress. Cruz can’t fathom a good personality being a factor because he has the personality of a bog leech in cold oil and assumes that hot girls rejected him solely because of his looks.

What the....? Well done, SIMPSON :/

I also think prioritizing mental health treatment in this country would help as well.

I believe Amber Heard. I think Johnny gets blackout drunk. I believe Johnny when he says he has a, “ demon” inside him. I am convinced domestic violence would go down at least 80 percent if no one consumed alcohol or drugs. 

Please draw me the line between “witch” and “raping a corpse”. I’ll wait. And even if there was a connection, the fact that something was intended as a joke doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not utterly gross; see Tea Party memes about Obama, for example.

Some of the comments below are pretty horrifying. What the hell is wrong with people?  It’s like incel corner down there at the moment.

seriously has made Bettany look terrible by association

Do you mean Kate Moss? Because Kate Bush would NEVER!

Fully this. It’s shocking to scan the comments across various sites. The headline will read something like “Johnny texts pals that he shoots heroin into his eyes and punches Amber in the face,” and the commenters will scream “yEaH beCaUse ShE EggEd hIm On!!1!” 

And yet he still has millions of fans who will write awful things because AmBeR is a NuTcAsE. For too many women, liberal and conservative, they will justify abusing another woman if they like a guy enough (even if they will never meet him).

Also, slight correction - it’s not that people “don’t” get the message, it’s that they don’t want to.

Emotional boundaries are tricky to identify and communicate because they can take the form of material, time, and physical boundaries. For instance, I’ll tolerate an animal invading my physical space at a time when I absolutely would not tolerate a person in the same space. Alternatively, I’ll gladly give up an hour

The more “one fellas” we have on our side the better. 

It’s a game you can’t win, so you might as well lose in the way that is best for you.

As a man who is aware of sexism, I see this a lot. It’s kinda rooted in our culture. I do what I can to alter the course of this ship, but it’s a big ship and I’m just one fella. But know that I believe you and your struggle is legit.

I find, as a woman, I am allowed to express boundaries, but if someone ignores that, I have to enforce them so extremely politely that often people don’t get the message. If I reiterate the boundary or state it slightly less politely (no where near rudely), I am then punished for being rude and unlikeable. So I end up