the north is full of sparkling snow

Well, I have a “fuck you, Susan Collins” in me, too. So we’re in agreement, there. There is, however, a caveat...I’ve got a “fuck you” for the (largely) former Jezebel and Kinja writers that wrote attack after attack on Hillary Clinton. Not because they were Trump supporters, oh no. No...because they were Bernie

The story of Depp’s continuing financial crisis (2017 to now) is the story of a guy who was paid 650 million plus, and yet unable to pay his bills.

I’m all in favor of defending “first wave” feminists on some grounds, and abortion is one of those grounds. In 1971, the Boston Women’s Health Collective published “Our Bodies, Ourselves”, and the free clinic movement brought women’s healthcare -including abortion- across the country.

I have met them...the female Trump voters. In general, I would say they are low information low education, angry, and racist. I think Trump’s brand of angry, arrogant ignorance well seasoned with racism was his big draw with the voters that loved the guy. They didn’t even care he hated them too...because they all

Misogyny is a thing, even among women. Self hatred. 

Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before...

Amen on the role models. We’re on new territory with both sexes now, and part of that is talking about the real feelings we are having in our relationships. I think part of the problem is that women have been articulating the problem that women have for many years now, but men have just started, and some of that just

With love, hey, you’re trying, right? doing your own laundry is not something to brag on. It is the absolute, absolute minimum a human being should do. It might sound like I’m cherrypicking one comment...but listen up. We can’t just pick up after ourselves in any relationship and call it good, call it doing 50%. We

I am sooo late to see all of this, but then I don’t come around very often anymore. I’m sorry, this sucks. Two of my favorite people on here banhammered. 

This sucks. I have not been on Jez almost at all for many months, but you are, and have been, a favorite. This is not the first banhammer grouping I have seen on here. You -and jinni- are just the latest.

I like a lot of people. A wide variety. Two of my favorite people here. My mind keeps linking this back to a work related discussion re diversity meetings, especially meeting re diversity where the same women keep getting interrupted by the same man in these meetings. My reaction was...”maybe we could foster diversity


Cuts of meat that are popular in the US are not always popular in other fatty pork belly is popular in Korea, where it’s used in bulgogi. In the US we eat pork belly as bacon. Japan likes Boston butt, and some loin cuts, and China likes to take sausage ingredients and make dim sum out of them. Culture

Imelda Marcos.

I had several other problems with this movie’s premises. Look...we can all empathize with a frantic parent trying to get help for their child. This movie took some real factual shortcuts in order to make their points.

True, and a good point. I do think that all too often women with black skin are “required” to be forgiving of sexist and racist slurs against them, though. But now I wonder if the staff at the Palace might have been a problem, though, with microaggressions and slights. I am sure that the royal family is problematic in

I suspect it to be Camilla or Kate- and most likely Kate- who made the remarks. I’m basing that on the general British population, who would say how unfortunate America’s race problems are, and then try to sell you a golliwog doll. And if you point out it’s a racial caricature of blacks...they say “But it’s a wog!

This reminds me of the brouhaha over Jimin of BTS (a Korean pop group) wearing a Korean Independence t shirt...and that a Japanese tv show cancelled the group’s appearance in Japan because the t shirt had an atomic bomb picture on it. Along with really big letters saying Korean independence (from Japan, who took Korea

Agreed. No one would have been surprised by Prince Phillip saying racist things, or Princess Michael. I think Harry was blindsided, and I am guessing it came from one of the other married-in Kate or Camilla. Then the husband protected his wife, not Harry’s wife. They’re not estranged from the Queen-Meghan

Sex differences in response to visual stimuli.