
God yes please!!!

Here is a beautytap article that talks about exactly what dry and/or dehydrated means for skin, and also makes suggestions for products you may want to look at. They’re asian beauty products (I’m obsessed- my skin was terrible for like 20+ years until I did a deep dive into kbeauty!) but the suggestion above about

How dare you, sir

Hello dear! I’m super into kbeauty, and those baby foot peels are the jam!

Did you read the article even?

I did this for my now-thirteen yo daughter almost exactly 10 years ago! She decided it would be funny to jam a raisin up her nose during snack at daycare. I called the HealthLinks nursing line, and they scared the hell out of me, saying that I must bring her to the hospital immediately and hope it didn’t require

I heard that they actually had their divorce ready to go go, everything settled, but then he won...and it’s back to “other duties as assigned” for her. I guess it’ll have to wait until after the impeachment now.

Thank you, Stassa. As an Indigenous person just starting back out in the world of writing and academia, it was difficult for me to explain why this is all so maddening.

The doctor who wrote the DSM criteria for NPD stated that Trump doesn’t meet them, and indicated he is actually just a terrible person. I do wonder what he’d be diagnosed with if he submitted to some sessions with a qualified physician.

We’re about 90 minutes north of the border, but yes, you can walk across through fields into Emerson, Manitoba, no problem. I don’t recommend doing it in winter, up-thread I mentioned that there are a couple of men who just did that a few weeks ago, and at least one of them has lost all his fingers and some toes.

Yes, you’ve really got to make sure your methods are appropriate for the weather. Though, in winter, the temps and waist-deep snow (on 6'+ dudes) we can get here, means that it’s probably best if you wait until spring so you don’t lose any body parts.

Super duper easy. Just check the weather first.

I’m sorry, but isn’t there a pic where Jessica has her hands down the front of Justin’s pants in a fucking back alley in like, Paris or something, from right before they became an item in the media?

I’ve been using one for years, haven’t accidentally spilled it yet. When I think of all the $$$ I spent on pads and tampons while I was a desperately poor university student, I just cringe! Back then, these babies cost about $20 CDN now they are at least $30. I could have spent about the amount I’d use in a month at

YASS double-cleansing baby!

YASS double-cleansing baby!

Wrong guy, it’s hottie Justin Trudeau now.

Apparently she's back and living in Quebec somewhere.

immersion blender in a deep cup?

Us social workers and feminists would say that she was sexually exploited. We would never use the term “prostitution” to refer to a person- adult, child, or youth, who was being used for sex by someone with power over them. So if you start there, you may see this situation a bit differently.

It’s $28 at Sephora Canada, if any of my northern homies are interested.

It’s $28 at Sephora Canada, if any of my northern homies are interested.