
I used to have a roommate who was absolutely paranoid about leaving the crockpot on while we were away (why even bother with a crockpot then? Who knows). So it might have been her. My apologies, she was a weirdo.

Sorry you had to go through all of that. It sounds to me like the shop insured the engine for the cost of goods sold (materials, labor and overhead). The simplest thing for the shop to do to keep good faith is to have persued UPS for the insured amount and use that money to make a new engine. Then, ship that one via

Seems likely that some fucking CHUD manager in Kentucky thought MI stood for Missouri and tried to send the engine to a non-existent address.

“However, he did agree to start the build anew if UPS coughed up the cash in the originally insured amount, even if that meant he had to eat the additional costs. (We reached out to Bruce, but haven’t heard back yet).”

UPS is shady as Hell. FedEx not much better. I had a neighbor watch as someone in a FedEx truck literally javelined a box containing a carbon spoiler (very light) for my car from the back of the truck and onto the (concrete) porch of the house when I lived in Michigan. I’ve had UPS claim that packages were destroyed

If you read other recent posts on the subject, it’s not champagne and caviar for everyone spending a college tuition’s worth on preschool. In states where high costs are the norm, it’s more like being stuck renting and using old cars and going deeper in debt while praying for the day that your kid gets into public

I’m not a celebrity but I went as grouchy curmudgeon who hates adults in costumes. It was the role I was born to play.

Now playing

I was certain when I clicked through, that this would be a sponsored post:

A farmer friend of mine is out to me and he uses . I thought it was for str8 country people until he showed me the MforM list. I recognized 2 guys I knew from the redneck bar I hang out in.

The instant death thing is just bull crap. I just read another article about these chambers, and the proper use of them is in 3 to 5 minute increments (Costs about $100 each). So there is no “Instant Death” possibility...

My guess, reading between the lines, is that she went in for a super long 5 minute session (since,

I LOVE THAT YOU REFERENCED THIS. Sir Terry knew what the fuck was up. I learned more about politics and economics (among other things) from Discworld than I did after four years in my fancy liberal arts university. The world is poorer without him.

Oddly enough I have heard of adding grape jelly as a secret ingredient to Italian tomato sauce to add a little sweetness to counter the acidity of the tomatoes, especially in combination with meatballs. I grew up in NY a few hours north of the city and have had more than a few occurrences of grape jelly in meatball

Yes they do. They really, really do want that much caramel. I can barely look at caramel now, and I haven’t worked at a Starbucks since 2003.

This photo: A bunch of white dudes thinking their era will last forever.

Yeah, but a LOT of people think of Buddhism as an enlightened exception. This is a reminder that it really isn’t.


It’s very useful for traveling (which I do quite a lot of) but you have to learn how to read the reviews. Unless there are a lot of them (and I do look at the hidden ones), I don’t trust the gushing 5-stars. The 4-star reviews (or lack, thereof) usually tell the real story.

When my uncle wrecked the 16 year old truck my parents used to haul stuff like mulch or top soil, my mom decided she needed to replace it because she would need to haul things. So she replaced it with a new Tundra which was expensive and s gas guzzler (about 17 MPG). In the 5+ years she’s owned it, it was used one

I have to agree, many moons ago I worked at McD’s, and yes while they will work every last penny of the minimum wage they pay you out of you (the motto is if you’re leaning you should be cleaning), that kind of bullshit would never ever happen in any store I worked in. Any time we felt a bit sick they would do their

Or, depending on where this was, the girls were trafficked.