
Don't give many craps about wine, but I actually love to smell the corks of tequila bottles, I'm the type who keeps empty bottles, and I'll just smell the cork for the hell of it sometimes.

He is dangerous. In one episode (the last one I watched) a young woman, high school maybe?... asked him how to handle a guy who would not stop calling her. His answer... “That’s a compliment! You should be flattered he keeps calling”... He is a dangerous man.

Yup, we’re definitely on the same page. Even with the discounted tuition—because it’s a standard benefit that is offered to university employees, so there’s no issues with inherent fairness.

My feeling about athletic scholarships as a whole is that they all need to go away. College is for getting an education, not playing a fucking game. You want to play games while going to school? Fine, but you don’t get financial benefits to attend school for playing said game. Only academic scholarships should be

As many reservations as I have about unions, a large group of 18-22 year old kids with no world experience who are being used by an entertainment program to earn huge profits while providing paultry remitence to the talent in the form of scholarships and a few perks is the PERFECT example of a group that NEEDS the

Yes indeedy!

Sort of. The Southern states (in particular Texas, which is large enough to be a market that textbook manufacturers can’t piss off too bad) have managed to vague up the causes of the war in the history textbooks until it’s a mush of “The Civil War had a variety of causes” BS that reads like a junior-high student who

We had SO many customers get into a line with a lot of people, order a stupidly complicated drink, and then yell at us because THEY were late to yoga.

This is all reminding me a bit too much of Good Omens and its depiction of Famine, one of the Four Horsemen, and his amazing new food invention, CHOW TM:

From the people that treat things like garbage

The crazy part is the people in my feed who are decidedly not famous, but follow almost only/all famous people, and either don’t realize that this is a paid promotion or don’t understand(/care?) that they’re not going to be paid when they mimic these posts. Nearly every rando that I went to high school with posts

I’ve been working on improving my cooking skills for the past year. This resulted in a very tearful conversation with my husband, where I had to explain that if I was going to spend 8 hours in the kitchen making ravioli from scratch at his request, he could at least take a fucking bite before drowning it in Sriracha.


I once shorted a man a nickel, you would’ve thought I just ran over his grandchildren with a car made out of Matlock episodes.

I’m 100% Hispanic but am very light skinned and grew up with a white last name (long story) but I think I’m just as capable of experiencing racial discrimination as my darker brothers and sisters. Because many white people have assumed I’m white, I’ve been privy to their racist comments against minorities because

In dietary terms, butter IS an oil. Anyone who can’t eat oil, can’t eat butter.