
PLEASE report back with your dad’s response to these shenanigans.

That’s the best way for a busines owner to handle Yelp. I recently bought a car from a reputable local dealership, and during the final signing the sales person told me that his commission is entirely dependent on me writing at least two positive reviews for him and the dealership. He was so insistent about it, and

Be aware that anyone can start a Yelp page for your business without your knowledge or consent. Even if you have no intention of utilizing Yelp to bring in business, it’s better for you to have admin control of the listing instead of some rando with a grudge.

Ok, I’m wading in. I know I’m going to be flamed for this, but it’s not the few weeks of time off at birth that justifies the pay gap in their minds, it’s the 5+ years of diminished productivity after.

Good advice! The Sikhs I’ve met who are my age and grew up in the US are all generally assimilated and very awesome, but their parents were much more traditional than a lot of immigrant families I knew. But man, could their moms cook!

Thank you, I was thinking of the dispute over Kashmir, didn’t realize they claimed part of Punjab as well. I will have to check out the ep. of Parts Unknown for sure.

IIRC, Sikhs have major historical beef with Muslims over territory between Pakistan and India- every Sikh I’ve ever met is pretty racist towards Arabs and Muslims. The irony.

My MiL tithes 10% to her Catholic Church. She can’t afford to, but I think she’s still holding on to the misguided notion that the Church will help take care of her when she really falls on hard times.

Sadly, given the customer base for Rushcards likely has a very high level of financial illiteracy, how many of them will be able to do the legwork to file an FDIC claim and win? They may be eligible, but being able to be successfully compensated is a whole other issue.

One could say the same thing about O’Malley. Poor schumck, I think Martin once thought he actually had a chance at the presidency.

One of my coworkers brings in homemade pistitsio a couple of times a year because I love it so much. Now I know why I’ve never been able to replicate it at home- bish never said anything about cinnamon!!

That’s exactly the intended mental image.

Ok, I think you and I are actually more or less on the same page- I think these dudes should just be employees of the schools they play for and not pretend that they’re scholar-athletes.

But they’re not actually getting an education- they’re getting a rubber-stamped diploma for classes the compliance officers and student athletic directors made sure existed only on paper to maintain their athlete’s NCAA eligibility but not interfere with games and practice.

Oh God yes!! I have participated in some rather shady things in my life, but never have I felt more like a crack dealer than when I worked the Saturday morning shift at a suburban Starbucks.

SB quality control actually does weigh lattes to determine the correct foam:milk:espresso ratio, if you put too much foam in a secret shopper’s latte you will get marked down for it- I don’t believe that particular customer could tell the proper foam amount by holding the cup, but I (and the poor barista) probably can.

When I worked at Starbucks, we used to steam a pitcher of milk during busy shifts and put it to the side until some asshole wanted a no-foam drink, the grossly congealed layer of foam is easy to skim off when the milk has been sitting for 15 minutes.

When I was a lowly barista at Starbucks, I assumed the suburban moms ordering cappuccinos actually wanted lattes unless they specified a wet or dry cappuccino. Same went for Macchiatos- a SB caramel macchiato has absolutely NOTHING to do with an actual macchiato.

Duck Fat, get their poutine. I dream about that poutine.

Yeah, this makes me sad. My niece is totally someone who shallows this kind of product placement hook line and sinker. It’s not totally her fault, they seriously don’t teach critical thinking in schools anymore and the majority of our country is turning into an idiocracy. So now she begs her mom for this $40 shampoo