
ALL THE DAMN LAYERS!!! I was able to mix and match everything so it looked like I had tons of outfits.

As a plus size woman... the best thing I did was buy pregnancy leggings, some tight sweater dresses, and kimono sweaters.

The rules for FaceTiming in public are the same as the rules for listening to music or watching a video in public: USE YOUR DAMN EARPHONES.

Public Facetiming is the inevitable endpoint of people walking around with the speakerphone on, holding the phone flat in their hand with the mic end at their mouth. It has an earpiece!


“Other People Don’t Matter” is the bedrock belief of American life.  How dare you, sir, have no respect for disrespect!

Let’s extend this to speakerphone. Why are there people sitting on the train, holding their phone in one hand and nothing in the other, talking on fucking speaker? 

You must have a lot of free time.

Fabian consistently does a good job, but he’s not going to get one. If there’s a supporting actor nomination, it’s going to be Jonathan Banks or Giancarlo Esposito.

Kim’s explosion tonight reminded how much scarier quiet characters are than loud, exuberant ones, because when you finally see them crack it’s TERRIFYING. Her rage, paired with Howard’s cracking voice, makes me hope Fabian and Seehorn get a pair of Emmy noms this year.

She also couldn’t keep straight who told who they should want to stay on Gus’ good side. That one’s just weird.

If this blog will not recognize Gossamer, I will not recognize this blog. Good day.

Why do you guys hate fun? I’m all about fighting for womens rights, after all I’m a woman and these things are near and dear to me, but I watched the first episode and laughed until I cried. With the way this country is right now this show was a great catharsis. All these republicans are like “He tricked me into

I’d be happy with a link to an article that says this even might  be happening. AnnNova made a fact statement that (to me) looks pretty unbelievable. That means it’s either flim flam, or I’m woefully uninformed about something very important happening in our society. This isn’t a big ask.

what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have

I mean, the man gave Laserblast 2 1/2 stars. Which was way MORE than it deserved.

Well, a lot of people are doing that work. But obviously in real life it’s more complicated than that. Most Americans live relatively hand-to-mouth. They don’t have job security and they just literally don’t have time to follow the news and demonstrate while also managing to keep up on all the bills and make sure the

Fifteen > Degrassi 

White people elected him.

ahahahahaha you mean the help that included arming both sides till the japanese blew up your harbour