
There is no such thing as a “frequent tornado zone” in any appreciable narrow sense like a flood plain. An entire region (hell, three regions, to be technical) of the nation is a “tornado zone”, and it includes several large metro areas. Tornadoes themselves strike minuscule land area in comparison to the region as a

Which materials exactly would stand up to an EF-4 exactly? Windowless concrete bunkers, and basically nothing else. At which point you’ve given up nearly every other benefit to a building (especially physiological benefits from natural light and ventilation); greatly increased its carbon footprint and cost (at a time

I can’t wait to see all the comments here be something like:

I am also a home cook and find 90% of what I need at TJs **shrug emoji**

Have you been to a Trader Joe’s during all this? They have one of the best experiences for actually going to a retail store. They limit the number of people in the store even though this leads to long lines outside the store. This reduces crowding and makes it easy to follow social distancing guidelines. They must

Or instead of looking at this from the point of view of sports fans and Kobe’s family, you could also look at it from the point of view of Kobe’s victim and all the other victims of rape and sexual assault.

Why would a rapist or a war criminal deserve such consideration? unlucky parent ended up with a big bill after taking his child on a trip to the car dealership...

As a recent parent, experiencing all the parenting things - sleepless nights, a constant flow of money out of my accounts, pooping and peeing with reckless abandon, and and a constant base level of stress about his health and wellbeing.... I think you need to calm down just a touch.  No one is implying raising a cat

Can’t blame the toddler. But what kinds of parents let a three year old wander around a car lot (or really any public place), presumably alone? That’s just asking for her to get hit / abducted / in various forms of trouble. A ~$9k settlement is one of the better outcomes from that sort of negligence.

Well, I don’t think any of them involve romaine lettuce, so... none?

I actually feel bad for the guy .. Its hard to raise a kid on a fast food salary to begin with and now hes unemployed. Plus I know back in the day at least it was seen as something good to bring a kid to work, show them a little bit of what they do, let them help out. I guess my only issue would be if he was bringing

Popeye’s sandwich drama is a symptom, not a cause.

Also obvious is the K-State player blocking the OU player into the ball, which by rule should nullify the illegal touch.

I’m a dad of two boys and if I may: this boymom shit sucks. It is hard enough to try and raise my kids to be polite and kind without external influences pushing shitty behaviors as “normal” on them. That embedded video is filled with outright violent actions that we just laugh off as “boys will be boys” and you know

I’m a mom of a six month old boy, but I’m not a #boymom. Not only do I not have time to read mommy blogs or get into mom culture, but it seems very limiting for mothers to build their outward identity around motherhood. I mean, yeah, I spend like 80% of my time when not working or sleeping with my baby, but at least I

I just railed against this “Boy Mom” tag yesterday, I have an 8 month son my goal should be the same as any other parent, raise your kid to as best you can to not be an asshole. This should be the goal of any parent regardless of gender. (I know this sentiment is a little different than what the article discusses on

Wow, I’ve never seen such a display of bad takes and bad opinions.

Because the movie isn’t about a woman named Sharon Tate. It isn’t about an actress named Margot Robbie. Maybe the movie is using characters in ways that reflect the attitudes of that time.

Really? No one’s ever mentioned that before.