
Tough choice. On the one hand, Mitch McConnell has been easily the most reprehensible person in politics for the last 10 years. On the other hand, McGrath doesn’t line up 100% with my vision of what I think a liberal should be, so...

She lost a House race in the least red district in Kentucky in a landslide year for Democrats (2018).

Jezebel has absolutely no business writing about politics.  

This is being covered like unseating McConnell will make any sort of difference, but whoever becomes the Senate Republican leader after him will be just as bad. The only solution to McConnell is a Democratic majority. So instead of donating to McGrath, donate to candidates that might actually win and don’t suck to

We can blame this, the anitvax movement, flat-earthers, and the result of our last election, on social media and the nonsense news stories people love to share. Why bother reading a newspaper or actively searching for real news, when it is pumped right into your Facebook feed. Not every person deserves a voice online.

Fun fact: the maggots and worms that people claim to find in their waste is just in the insides of the their intestines that have been stripped off from the bleach.  

The areas between Houston and Dallas in East Texas get a little “Deep South-y”. Think College Station, or the place where they lynched a black man in my lifetime (I’m 37). But South Texas is a whole different animal as well. 

Clearly you’ve never been to Lufkin or Nacogdoches.

Influencers are a running joke/source of ire in my place of employment. I handle all our marketing and PR and as snotty as it sounds I will never offer anyone money to shill for us because it cheapens the brand. For me personally, sponcon is a surefire way to get me running very fast in the opposite direction of

Since most anti-abortion organizations are opposed to anything that makes it easy for women to avoid getting pregnant (as opposed to supporting practical solutions that would reduce the need for abortion), I would not trust an anti-abortion group to release a reliable fertility-tracking application.

Ya’ll can get the everloving fuck out of here with this “don’t sit that close when you have kids” asshole nonsense. It probably costs less to get nets to the fucking foul pole in every fucking stadium than it does to pay for each team’s highest paid player for one at bat.

I have a video saved on my phone and computer, it’s of us at PT when she’s about a year and a half and taking her first steps.

Re: Walking,

What don’t you get about this?

Alright, seriously though, if you’re angry and surprised and don’t think Danny’s choices were clearly in line with her character, look back...

They kept mentioning the crypts, and how safe they will be. Which means they absolutely will not be safe at all.

Well Brianne might not get together with with Jaime or Tormund, but damn if seeing her knighted wasn’t one of the most uplifting moments in the show’s history.

I told you that Dany would be far more concerned about being usurped than incest.

Reminds me of a riff from the MST3K episode “Mitchell:”

“Well, you’re rich and white, I don’t see a problem with it.”

If you read the Consumer Reports article, it makes it clear that there were deaths unrelated to "user error."