
As a dad of three, I can offer the only advice you need to know: Everyone else’s advice is wrong when applied to your baby.

No. McCain helped create the situation. Then got created as its savior.

No. Democrats with the help 9f Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski saved the Affordable Care Act by consistently voting against it’s repeal. McCain rode in on their coat tails at the last minute to lend a hand. He does not get the credit for saving anything.

Dude, you’re deciding the stand you want to take is, “cheerleaders dress like cheerleaders, so saying they shouldn’t complain about being expected to act as escorts isn’t a hot take.”

Really pause and think about that.

Also: how is this guy out of the greys and I’m not?!?

She lost me after her rant about the attack on blue collar workers because they’re forced to smoke outside in the elements.

OK, yes, we are all going to die and death is an invention of genius, perhaps the only thing that keeps the human race even somewhat humble.

One of the Paris Hilton perfumes smelled exactly like stargazer lilies (my fave) and the samples stayed on my skin FOREVER. If it had a plain bottle, I would have bought it by the bottle. I just couldn’t get over PH’s branding.

Matt Bevin to State Policy Network-Hold my beer.

Absolutely true. One of the ways they are able to stay open and require insane things of their teachers is by hiring non-union labor.

Choice schools almost always pay less, primarily because very few are unionized. I teach at one of the very few unionized charter schools and we still make a bit less than public schools.

Why do you doubt it? Most charter schools aren’t unionized and quite a few of them are for profit, so I don’t think it’d be surprising if their teachers were paid less.

I have to insist on differentiating between a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. Trump is the latter; he very much cares about what people think of him. He has no regrets in the classic sense because he cannot allow himself to even consider that he could make mistakes. While malignant narcissists’ psychopathic

personally i can’t wait for him to be perp walked out the white house for charges similar or the same as ol billy clinton! he will not be pleased with the comparison

Ma, Ma, where’s my pa?

Did you say noooooo for the pregnant fiancee he left to be with her?

The women in my family have always said, “how you get ‘em is how you lose ‘em,” but this feels almost too on the nose.

TBH I thought he was trash when they announced they were going to name their son “Tristan Jr” even though he already has a 1 year old son (who he never acknowledges).....

I feel bad for Khloe but...

You are bang-on. I have been going over this with students these days, because a handful of them seem to think that freedom of speech means you get a forum. Freedom of speech means freedom from political censorship—which means that your government can’t arrest you for simply promulgating an unpopular opinion. But the

Holy shit, if your first response to this is “let’s make it rain birth control” over this a fucking tragic systemic governmental break-down on all levels, go and sit in the corner.