
When I was a Girl Scout (and dinosaurs roamed the earth), we went camping, learned to build fires and put up tents, cooked outdoors, tied knots, and all that jazz. AND did art and craft activities, toured factories, had sing-a-longs, sold cookies....

here is my two cents nobody asked for: Not quite sure why the Unicorns can’t just form their own Girl Scout troop and do outdoor stuff with girls their own age. The whole point of these organizations is to develop skills and friendships among a gender-specific peer group. If you don’t want to participate according to

1) Their Girl Scout Leader is really dropping the ball on the outdoor stuff.

I mean, I wouldn’t turn something down because I do love presents, but yeah. That’s the goal, that’s what will make me happiest, anything else is just icing on the cake.

It is pretty messed up that they would air the documentary without his consent.

my list is endless. thanks, dad.

If you read Porno, it’s absolutely the sequel that everyone wants.

The strong female figure in my life has definitely kept me off drugs.

Porno is the name of the novel which was written as a sequel to Trainspotting.

Imagine if you actually knew them and worked with them daily and considered them friends.

RIP The Vane

I’m just going to say it.

No one should shame or stigmatize Charlie Sheen for being HIV positive. They should shame and stigmatize him for being a woman beater (and shooter) and a piece of garbage.

Kid got the 3rd star on TSN too:

And, since at least the mid-70s, known as House of Guys (the one on Kirby, that is) because back in that day you could easily hook up there once the bars had closed. I don’t know this of personal experience (I’m about 10 years too young — my after-hours hang-out was an all-night diner in the West Village circa 1987-9)

House of Pies was exactly where I imagined that happening.

By now we all pretty much know what the opening scene will be, but we’ll still go nuts as soon as the Lucasfilm logo, the John Williams theme music, the Star Wars logo, and the sub-title crawl appear.

The entire world is looking to the White House.