
“I’m poor so it’s OK if someone else who is not poor gets sexually assaulted and then blackmailed!”

Here, have a sippy with some juice and vodka in it and let the grownups talk.

Who let the unattened child in here?

I’m not trying to get too involved in this, but the events of homecoming at Oklahoma State are much more equivalent to what the word “homecoming” means than what it’s regularly related to, in terms of football. OSU has sucked massively at football for most of its existence, so winning/competing was less of the focal

It’s sad, sure, but does that actually achieve anything practical?

Maybe the fact that a lot of people are asking you a similar question should signal to you how you are presenting that opinion. You are stating pretty emphatically that this game should have been canceled. Usually, someone advocating that strongly for an action would have something called a “reason” for it, and that

So, it wouldn’t have accomplished anything.

I can’t agree with you about how you think Oklahoma should grieve, but I appreciate that you care about the loss.

As a fellow Oklahomie, AGREED! If these people were at the parade, they would want the game to go on. I’m not into football, but my grandpa played for OU. That team got him his first ever paying job and bought him his first ever pair of shoes. It was in honor of the victims and the most healing thing they could do for

Why is it, that 90% of all comments deal with the fact that the University did not cancel the game, instead of focusing on the despicable POS who committed a crime that cost at least three lives. If this had been a simple DUI by a male college athlete of this University, you would have used that as just another

Yeah, I saw that just now. (Would you believe that’s what I meant? No? Ah well...)

Christianity, Podunk-style. I know it all too well.

For the purpose of....?

Welp, it’s the biggest homecoming in the country, with 50k flooding the town last night, not to mention the tens of thousands of fans already at or headed to the stadium at the time of the crash. Given that OSU is no stranger to tragedy, I guess they thought they’d go ahead and do what they all gathered for, like

Incredibly scary and sad. OSU has been through some tough times...

AUTOPLAY, grrrr.

Please don’t speak for "the south", chips and dip would mean lays and onion dip in my neck of the woods. Chips and salsa is chips and salsa.

Not in any part of the south I’ve ever lived in. And I’ve lived in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee my whole life. Dip = french onion dip or similar. Salsa is salsa. Chips and dip = potato chips and french onion dip.

Uh, I’ve never heard anyone call salsa “dip” in the south. Not in Georgia at least.