
I’ve never had more fun watching the Cubs. It would of course be amazing to take this all the way this year, but they could have lost against the Cards and I still would have been a very, very proud fan.

I will not stand for those who are already pre-emptively expressing disgust for Cubs fans and their newfound success. Success eventually gets annoying for every successful team, particularly those in large markets. And I hate when people say “Cubbies,” and I know Wrigley has always been filled with a lot of people who

Eh, unless you’re 120 years old, I don’t think you really have any idea what fans of a championship Cubs team will be like.

Hey man, don’t put how shitty Dallas is on the rest of Texas. They’re basically a part of Oklahoma

If this is satire, it’s awful. If this is your generalization of Texas and Texans, you’ve clearly never been. Idiots get elected all the time... I guarantee your town or the town you claim has elected a dipshit or two. That’s our political system not necessarily the people as a whole. Come’on man. I hope this was just

Disgusting behaviour.

Like the liberal, homosexual, woman who is the mayor of the largest city in Texas, and the 4th largest city in America?

That’s Default Cena. The only thing he sells is merch.

3/10, almost got me

Forget you and your anti-Southern idioms. Its only strange to YOU people, you fancy, gel-in-hair Northern types who don’t understand when you offer a Coke, its an offer for any soft drink. If you ORDER a Coke, you get a Coke. People calling it “pop” suck far worse than us simpletons who call it Coke. Not to mention we

“You had Dr. Pepper every other time I’ve ever been here!”

Good. Fuck Texas football. The only thing they worship more is Jebus.

For God’s sake, it’s not like they were doing the wave or anything!

He’s went on to say he’s not trying to be the best at exercising

I remember Julie DiCaro wrote the article on Deadspin about Jameis Winston, tying in to her own rape to help tell the story. I’m sure that’s playing a role here.

If I were you, I would take a look at the Facebook comments on the Chicago Blackhawks page. You’ll find that women are at least as vocal in condemning the accuser as men, if not more so.

I follow her, too. She has been very evenhanded. As a fan of the team, I'm so disgusted by this.

The Final Sacrifice is my personal #1