
Woah woah woah I owned a bichon named Bozlee who was a great dog with a lot of good qualities. They never shed and they are sweet as pie lap dogs. We never groomed him like that though, mostly short thanks to the Texas heat. He was incredibly easy to train and could even spin around on his hind legs. My whole family

“The American people should no longer be forced to fund the abortion industry; therefore we will oppose any government funding legislation that would authorize or provide federal funds for Planned Parenthood,”

I have one too. She went from being a wonderfully dynamic woman with lots of interests to...crossfit. All day, all the time. She now likes to judge you for your eating and exercise.

Anyone who talks about crossfit is instantly a bodybore in my eyes

A few months ago a group was protesting on Capitol Hill. I was out for a jog and headed back to my office when I ran into their protest - poster boards of aborted fetuses (or their imagined approximations, one supposes) and all. I stopped and asked the “gentleman” there why, if he was so pro-life he wasn’t personally

The Cardinal Way.


Nick Lachey did not comment on this non-situation involving his ex-wife.

I think there’s a difference between lying about certain details and creating a false identity.

Taking orientation out of the picture - imagine a woman consents to (blindfolded) sex with another woman, and then discovers that the woman is an ex girlfriend who used a fake name/voice/story to convince the victim that


I remember that Samantha’s bedroom set came with a tiny doll copy of The Wizard of Oz. So I’d tuck her into bed and read it to her. Then I got pissed when I realized the copy ended early (because space in the tiny doll book) so I went to the library to get the real one to read it to her. Best part was, we had a little

Dude, I loved all of them, but Molly was the best. Started my obsession with the 40s / WWII (an obsession my dad shares and happily indulged when I was little). Molly got my spoiled 1990s ass to understand what rationing was and why it was important. So many talks with my nana about her victory garden. The ending of

Not surprised at all. This is the guy who agrees that 11 year old rape victims should be denied access to abortions and that Josh Duggar is a good guy who is being persecuted for his faith.

I can forgive Craig James for killing those 5 hookers. But I will never forgive him for getting Mike Leach fired.

You don’t even need to break 1,000 on the old SAT scoring to automatically get into Kansas State.

Might as well give them a head start before that mindset solidifies and they get a huge shock when they hit the real world.

Actually, no. With parents today, kids don’t know they aren’t good at their activities and giving them trophies for participation only propagates the idea that everyone is a winner and that everyone is a special snowflake. Yes kids know, but here’s a ribbon just to throw it in your face some more.

Participation trophies— the non-issue that every crank loves to yap about, usually with a heavy dose of “when I was a kid . . . “ The fact is, they just don’t matter much. They hand them out at the end of AYSO soccer and I think Little League, usually when the kids are about 4-9 year old. Along with a cupcake. They