
I am so goddamn sick of “as a woman, I...” re: Clinton.

I wish every single person even tangentially associated with the 2016 election would fall into a volcano. Trump, Clinton, Sanders, Daou, Lahren, Kirkman - all of them. Just please go away forever.

here’s a rebuttal to his side of the story from one of the women at the bar :)

No, he’s an entitled, whiny manbaby hiding behind feminism. Sadly common.

have a Snickers, sweetheart.

This asshole got banned from a Logan Square bar for being too creepy. If you’re so disgusting towards women that you get banned from at least one, possibly more, shitty hipster bar in Logan then get the fuck out of Chicago forever. There are stories after stories after stories, with proof, on Facebook and Twitter

Pittsburgh is in the center of the country now?

I would love it if everyone involved with the 2016 election would just go away. Trump, Clinton, Sanders, Peter Daou’s creepy Clinton-obsessed ass, Bill Mitchell, Joe Walsh, all of them. Just fuck off forever.

It has yet to make it over the southeastern mountains of Cuba, but it’s been going north of everything. 180mph as of 5am.

Except that the eye is going north of most of them, which is not good. Hopeful the Sierra Maestra have an effect but it won’t be enough.

bless your heart, you weren’t around for Andrew. and yeah, Houston isn’t “built for hurricanes” because it’s 50 miles inland. No city is built for 50 inches of rain in ~3 days. I hope Florida’s okay, but this is another headache-inducing it isn’t going to be bad at all post.

I wasn’t even alive for David, but I’ll always “remember” it because my older brother was born right in the middle of it. my mom used to tell me how goddamn terrifying it was to not know if they were going to make it to the hospital.

desperate is a good word

this bloviating blob of bullshit didn’t mention Houston, the deceased, or the displaced victims of the hurricane. I’m not surprised, just the usual disgusted and depressed. he is unfit to lead the water from the Addicks Reservoir to the Buffalo Bayou, let alone the US.

May you step into a thousand fire ant flotillas every day for the rest of your life.

hey I don’t know if you’re a fellow Houstonian or not. if you are, I hope you and yours are safe and dry. But lashing out on people who, although this might see like a tacky time to you, have the right idea (and climate change IS a political issue, but somehow we’ve turned “political” into a Bad Word) isn’t

they’re idiots who are completely out of touch, and you’ll hear no argument from me there on pretty much anything. they went to the one big city on the coast that had the least damage for a damn pep rally. I don’t expect anything more from them whatsoever, so I just find dumb shit like her wearing heels to get on the

for what it’s worth, she got off the plane in sneakers.

I’m from Houston and I think this whole post is petty as fuck. who cares what she wore to get on the plane? if she can stomp a gator with those heels then more power to her. it’s not gonna make my family’s home less flooded or the city less destroyed if she wears heels or wellies.

Houston won’t see a dime from the Red Cross, much like NOLA. their funds will go to admin/overhead. donate somewhere useful.