Uh, no.
the what
‘93 Cobras are currently selling in the $30,000 to $50,000 range. They’re rare. Extrude honing allows increased performance while maintaining the desireable stock appearance of the engine.
> Under 100 miles highway makes these very limited in practicality
We extrudehoned an engine we were using in a propane vehicle competition in college. I don’t remember the dyno numbers, but the gain was substantial & impressive. Possibly the single most effective engine upgrade we made.
I’ve never heard Extrudehone mischaracterized so inaccurately as to call it “cleaning”. And that is probably the root of the power improvement doubts.
That’s the last time I feed my manifold Taco Bell...
I’ve seen 20 year old cars that were less intact
I honestly don’t understand this attitude. So other people paid $40 while you paid $60 - does that REALLY change how much you enjoyed the game?
I’m not sure how you figure it’s not a $60 game. Tomb Raider is still a AAA game. It’s a full-length sequel to two other AAA games. Games like that rarely drop at less than $60. The only time you really see that is if it’s a much smaller game, or in weird instances like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
this is why you dont buy day 1 folks!
I remember in college we all drove absolute junk. Like anything made in the previous ten years was like “ooooh lookit mr fancypants in his seven year old Subaru”.
when you start making repairs with non-automotive products.
I was going to say “when David Tracy owns it” but that’s too pat an answer, and frankly the joke is getting a little tired. Let’s move on.
It becomes an old car when you start making repairs with non-automotive products. Spackle, tar, Gorilla glue, picture hanging wire, twine, tape, wood screws, etc.
I can imagine that he doesn’t ever want to feel like he did that day.