
Thanks- er, the first bit or the second bit?

Now playing

I cannot help but think Todd’s still extremely jealous that Obsidian got all the glory for Fallout New Vegas, and has been trying to totally-not-copying-Obsidian-nuh-uh for the last decade, and failing badly.

Great review. My biggest concern going into Starfield is that they were trying to do too much with it. After spending a few weeks with it, I can confirm my concerns were validated. It’s a game that presents you with so many incredible ideas—maybe some of the most interesting and (more importantly, this being a game

quest items that would bug and not be able to be completed and NPC’s casually walking off balconies

To be fair, that’s very much how Payday 2 behaves at times XD

Nintendo won’t announce a new Switch until I finally buy my Switch this Christmas. 

It’s foam rubber.

I don’t think anybody disagrees that many (most?) major AAA games are severely lacking in diverse leadership or even input, but that doesn’t mean Keighley and the Game Awards can’t make some kind of effort.

I have good news for you! Nothing better than a controller while sitting on the couch at 3am with a baby that won’t sleep unless it’s lying on top of you.

I always love it when developers explain the reasons behind decisions because its both very informative, and listening to capital ‘G’ Gamer accusations is exhausting. If you ask Twitter, 30fps is becase devs just need to move the FPS slider on the Engine Screen up to ‘60', and refusing to do so are Devs being LAZY.

Dude this comment is more important than the article...

This story is actually important for a lot of reasons that are still relevant (disclaimer: I work with these people and on these stories.) Here’s the original report:

All the restaurants I go to have live cows and milk them for the chees and slaughter them for the meat when I order to be as fresh as possible.

I’m always disappointed at how few people know that the Xbox triggers can vibrate. No surprise, given how woefully underutilized they are by game devs, who almost never support them. They’re magical in games like Forza—where you can feel the difference between tarmac and dirt, or the telltale click of the ABS kicking

Kay comes off as a Han Solo type, but female. Always stealing, gambling and getting into tight situations. Which I don’t mind. It’s a cool idea.

it’s not the manpower but the player willpower. the audience for these open world games have fairly large overlap but the players don’t have time to dig into three massive open worlds from one publisher especially with Starfield about to drop an even larger open world. I kind of feel like some of these really

Man, can’t recall when I was last this excited by a Star Wars game, but that looked really fun. Also I am glad that I was wrong as I was constantly prepared to groan when someone pulled out a lightsaber, but avoided that trap.

It was a cgi trailer with no gameplay. I couldn't infer anything from the trailer except you play as a bounty hunter. Which is good. Too much star wars stuff is about the jedi

The New York Post is not news.

It’s from infancy. When you’re born your skull is made of separate plates which only fuse together after a few months or whatever. That’s why babies have a “soft spot” on the top of their heads you’re not supposed to touch: it’s basically where the skull plates haven’t fused together yet and there’s a gap. Babies are

There’s no way it would have stayed buried for decades if there was anything to it.