I love it, too.
I love it, too.
It isn’t “RIP exclusives,” it’s just that these are timed exclusives rather than forever exclusives. Sony gets all the benefits of having these games exclusive to their console, for years, and then when sales are really trailing off, boom, they get to sell it fresh all over again for a different market. It is a win…
Astute observation. We can safely conclude the previous owner of the Rio was not driving backwards when he rear-ended another car.
The further I scrolled through your comment, the more I smiled.
Same. Time Crisis 2 is the only arcade game (in any genre) that I have to drop a quarter into if I happen to see it in an arcade.
“...only to have my triumph dashed by an inconvenient tree.”
In the Forza Horizon series, with wild, arcade-style, open world gameplay, I nearly always use the furthest 3rd-person view because having a camera 10 feet in the air just makes every single thing so much easier. (I do occasionally switch to the first-person view to check out what a car’s gauges and interior look…
This sounds weirdly like a dream job for me.
This is a little disheartening, but I’m just glad we’ve got some official word on the topic. A week or two ago people noticed that the developers had all edited their Twitter profiles to remove references to the game, and we were just left to speculate what might have happened. Getting an answer is better than…
I could maybe understand (though certainly not condone) if this was two teenagers.
I’ve basically done a 180 on it in the last 24 hours or so.
They tried!
On Wheeler Dealers, they brought on one of the original designers of the Cosworth as a guest, and he revealed that it was initially supposed to be an even more bonkers triple-wing design. So of course Ant went ahead and fabricated the middle section based on his drawings, and I love it.
Yeah, it is weird to me (being more familiar with early 2000's Toyotas) that the Rav4 basically occupies the Highlander’s spot now, size/price-wise. The Highlander, meanwhile, became... I guess a van without sliding doors?
Man, I was just going to say, are we sure David Tracy got dis-invited over the leaked Mach-E details, and not the fact that Jalopnik gave front-page COTD status to that CHONK-E “fat Mustang” image that gave us all a hearty chuckle?
Hey, man, climbing curbs to get at pedestrians isn’t for the faint of heart.
I was one of the rare people who actually embraced the idea of them giving this vehicle a Mustang-themed name and styling, but now that I see it I just think they didn’t go far enough visually.
Oh, GM... *shakes head*
Oh, I didn’t mean to imply you wouldn’t be welcomed back. I just wanted you to GTFO of here with the accusations firmly in-hand, and then leave the accusations wherever that might be, before returning sans accusations.
“...learn the backstory of your backyard and who invented the shrinking machines...”