
The thing is, for being a wacky, crazy game, Fortnite has had a pretty good track record of pretty tight gameplay and balance. It is remarkable, really, considering how much they change things. Most shooters continually fine-tune in tiny increments, looking to get everything juuuust right, meanwhile Epic introduces

As a fellow Forza Horizon-playing Jalop, I feel it might be relevant to your interests that I spent a few hours re-creating Andy Warhol’s BMW M1 art car in-game:

Is it weird that a single screenshot of guys creeping through fog took me from “PUBG is one of those other Battle Royales” to “I think I am going to download this and try it now?” Never underestimate the power of atmosphere.

So here’s my theory.

If I remember my history, “sat on my Packard’s pan handle” was a relatively popular 1890's euphemism.

I know it is trendy nowadays for corporations to be all irreverent and jokey with their “fans” (typically through their social media accounts) with, like, fast food chains using “dank memes” to deliver “sick burns” to haters to show how “hip” and “with-it” they are, but... could we maybe sometimes not?

“You wanna know how I got these scars?...”

But is she just dancing, or is she Just Dance-ing?

It is wonderful, as long as you add a caveat about how they’re stored.

Man, I’m trying to get work done, and now I’m going to have to spend the next 5 minutes saving all of those images to my computer.

I apologize if I’m misinterpreting, but when you say “ unproven unserviced 3rd party,” are you referring to Epic Games, a company that predates Valve by five years?

Ship is a beast.

Personally, I always think of Ed Norton playing basketball in American History X. No disrespect to Ed Norton. Fantastic actor. But no amount of careful editing could make it look like that guy felt natural on the court, and when he reverse-dunked to win the game I laughed out loud, which was clearly not the intent of

Nah, forget that guy. Bob always ignores the chat.

So, here’s the thing with this move, and why I believe it was brilliant on the part of Microsoft/Mixer:

We’re just lucky video games only exist in the United States! That’s clearly the only possible explanation for why these kinds of mass shootings happen with exponentially greater frequency in the US than anywhere else!

Well, you’ve inspired me. I never played through Doom 3 back when it was released, but I bought that huge iD bundle on Steam awhile back that had basically every game they’d made up to that point, so I do have access to it.

...Not only do they have one of the smallest streaming communities...”

It is rumored that EA paid Ninja at least $1 million just to play Apex Legends for one week when it was released. There’s simply no way this man was willing to permanently ditch his (I assume) primary source of income for anything less than many tens of millions. Microsoft has more than deep enough pockets to fairly co

This, exactly.