I almost saw what you did there, but what you did there was camouflaged, so I did not see it.
I almost saw what you did there, but what you did there was camouflaged, so I did not see it.
“Use official Fortnite names for all weapons, Outfits, Points of Interest, and items”
It may seem like a trivial distinction since they both involve shooting guns at other players, but Team Fortress 2 has blood and death, while Fortnite does not.
My god... I’ve been living a lie.
Whoah, hold on. Nobody dies in Fortnite. When you lose all your health, you just get “de-rezzed” or whatever, by the little floating teleporter things that beam you out of the match, leaving only your carried items behind.
Weren’t they hoping to sell 1,500 Stingers a month? The last time I saw the sales figures (maybe a month ago) they were hitting that pretty much right on target. I’d imagine these price reductions are more about clearing space for an updated model.
At this point, it’s just a matter of escalation. As more and more people get into bigger vehicles like SUVs and crossovers, the only way many people can feel safe on the road is by jumping on the bandwagon and getting into something equally large... which of course puts the pressure on the remaining sedan drivers to…
On my side of the family, my dad’s biggest car regret is in the late 1980's he traded in his late 60's Triumph GT6 to get a new(ish) Fiero 2M4. Sure, the Fiero lured us all in with those angular, futuristic lines, and I think the car held up for him fine, but once he got a few years down the road, he realized he’d…
“...The White Stripes’s classic “Seven Nation Army,” which was released 15 years ago...”
“It’ll just be a quick little warm-up before I start work!” you say to yourself, like a damn fool. Next thing you know you’re Photoshopping a custom Torchinsky-as-Gandalf-shredding-a-guitar mural.
Oh, great, a Subaru Ascent. The one with all the dumb cupholders. *eye roll* Just what we needed, another huge-ass tank on the roads...
Man, that is a good point about the parachutes. Seeing how quickly players could get to the ground in Blackout was almost shocking the first time I saw it, and immediately made me wonder if other BR games will adjust their own timings a bit to compensate.
I watched a couple streamers play Blackout and it looked interesting. I’m sure it will have some impact on all existing Battle Royale games, but I’d be more worried for PUBG than Fortnite, as it seems like there’s more potential audience overlap there.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. If Kim Kardashian starts playing on Twitch and is somehow able to demonstrate a level of skill that is beyond the vast majority of her viewers, then more power to her.
Joker having a “multiple choice” past is also a concept they played with in The Dark Knight. Ledger’s Joker tells different characters conflicting stories about how he got his scars, and he is convincing each time. Which story are we to believe? We don’t get a definitive answer, and that lack of resolution is such a…
I’ll try to keep this brief, and my apologies if I’ve told this on Jalopnik before.
Agreed. I love the look, but even the faster model topping out at 50 mph is barely enough for city streets that have a 45 mph speed limit. And that’s only enough if you’re content to stay in your neighborhood or take surface streets everywhere. I really want products like this to succeed, but I’m skeptical that they…
Wow, that’s great; thanks for the info. And kudos to them for doing good work.
Did Epic actually help make this?
I’m not suggesting an electronic door isn’t pleasing to use from a tactile standpoint, but I’d argue that ease/reliability of egress is in a significantly different category from visual flourishes like projecting a Mustang logo onto the ground.