Jester A. Arthur

There are actually two versions of German potato salad: The northern version features mayo, sour cream, gherkins, apples, and chive, while the southern version has vinegar, vegetable stock, bacon, and mustard. Both also contain onions, salt and pepper, and sometimes tomatoes or radish. (Maybe the proximity to Italy

That's for NBC only. ("Nothing But Chicago".)

Sheesh, Alfred. Always the attention hog.

There was a four-part miniseries on this just last month on British TV (creatively titled "Tutankhamun"), which is well worth seeking out. It features Sam Neill as the Earl of Carnarvon.

The A.V. Club
Either Too Sexy Or Not Sexy Enough

Right. Who cares what this guy's real living conditions are, when you can just go the cheap way and let his implant tell him everything is peachy-perfect? It's a complete disregard for him as a person with a life and needs beyond his function. The implant "sedates" him, makes him docile.

The final layer was too much, I think. It would have been far scarier to end the episode with Cooper's mother not recognizing him, and him wondering whether he's wasted precious time on his trip around the world instead of spending it with her, and us wondering whether this was real or still part of the game.

This thing kind of made me miss Time Trax, misty mountains and all.

That father-in-law cleary needs NuGyver to show him how to make a VCR out of Scotch tape and a bicycle dynamo or something.

"Mr. President, with all due respect, why did you give the Iranian ambassador so much time? We should be more aggressive towards them."
"I actually think it would be beneficial to have him in our alliance, because I have a strong feeling we'll merge soon."

The A.V. Club
Light-Hearted Hijinks and Moral Support

Watch only the fourth season of Enterprise, that one is awesome (in my honest opinion actually the best Trek since the end of TNG, at least I'll favor it over VOY and most of DS9). Start with s04e03. Manny Coto did his best to deliver the kind of series ENT was supposed to be from the beginning: telling stories about

Captain Hubbell Flowers!

Depends. If The Next Generation is your favourite Trek, watch the first two seasons and ditch the rest. If you think TNG was mostly boring and didn't have nearly enough fighting and space battles, skip ahead to season three and watch from there.

Too Soong!

We shoud ask Se­ñor Starbuck in the next remake.

No. Scotty-Prime offers three-day delivery, but actually delivers in two so you think he's done something miraculous.

(The wrong part here is not simply made up, it's taken from somebody else who annoys everybody by introducing herself frequently with a long list of titles: Lwaxana Troi from Star Trek: Next Generation (Counselor Troi's mother), the "daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy

♫ One of these things is not like the others … ♫