Jester A. Arthur

No, the final episode will reveal that the whole show was just something Frodo and Legolas have been watching on the holodeck.

Night King killing requires quiet knights
As, slowly, all these people comprehend

when I started filming the new Bake Off it was hard

Nurse Christine Chapel, played by Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (who later also played Lwaxana Troi).

"because they worship St. Patrick"

Speaking of lonely points of view: The second and third seasons of Enterprise (meaning the whole Xindi-arc, or "9/11 in space") are probably the worst Star Trek ever. I'd rather watch "Spock's Brain" and "Shades of Grey" each two dozen times than all this BS again.

I love their mascot, the Being Being!

A rather bold choice to cast the Pope as the villain, I'd say.


Also disconnected from any coherent plot. It's all random grandstanding in nice clothes.

It's been roughly 13 and a half years, so are we to believe Hugh Grant is the longest serving Prime Minister in over a century?

Jane Bond? Jamy Bond?

That's obviously not a cape Dany is wearing, as you can see light coming through between her right arm and waist. It's just some fancy sleeves. (Also, remember: No Capes!)

Two problems for me:
1) Not enough Niska.
2) The human family dynamic was pretty much all gone. They were not much more than friends sharing a house.


Well, it's not going to happen all that soon now, I guess.

Wait, does that count as an actual review, which means all that's missing now are A.V.-Club reviews of episodes 16, 17, and 18? Folks, we're getting there! Woo-hoo!

I'm disappointed I've never had Shirley or Sheldon's food.

By the end of the month, pretty much nothing in this country will be governed by reason.

And speaking of the casserole, that was definitely some hot stuff happening!