Jester A. Arthur


Also "that girl" is played by Hannah John-Kamen, and I'd wager she's a too high-profile actress (with a leading role in Killjoys and most recently a multi-episode arc in season two of The Tunnel) to be brought in for a small one-off character with two or three lines of dialog.

Maybe a whole lot of White House press corps members who just realized a semi-professional dream of theirs is about to come true? Like the guy at the end who can now honestly brag that he once asked C.J. Cregg a legit press corps question about President Bartlet's opinion on something while on the job?

Daenerys Of House Targaryen, Rightful Queen Of The Andals And The First
Men, Breaker Of Chains, Stormborn, The Unburnt, And Holder Of The Sacred
Chalice Of Rixx.

I just want to see a scene with Alicia on a visit to some off-the-grid CIA facility where she just happens to pass - without really noticing - the large window of a cell with Kalinda, Robyn, Zach, Jackie, Finn, Geneva, Wendy Scott-Carr, Clarke Hayden, Elsbeth Tascioni, Marilyn Garbanza and Becca inside, frantically

And if I'm not mistaken, she did find one!

True. And if Claire goes the same route as Francis Urquhard's wife (from the original British series), we'll have a pretty nice setup for the finale.

But of course, in the end they manage to put both of them back together, even though they can't save one of Stevens' arms - a problem they solve by building a multi-purpose robotic appendage which then Yang ends up with because Torres screwed up and put one of Yang's real arms on Stevens.

If you put Cristina Yang and Izzie Stevens in a blender, you’d get Alex

The A.V. Club
Even the Boltons don’t look so bad

You mean Underwood? But yes, both of them would be just awesome to see up against Bartlet. (Damn, imagine Sheen and Richardson in such a scene together.)

Well, it's a bit more complicated than that:

Danza will play Maniscalco’s father, responsible for instilling his son with “old-school values”

They could maybe replace them with the cast of Terriers!

That'll happen anyway once J.J. Abrams brings a remake to the big screen!

The A.V. Club
You’re disappointed, and you’re not alone.

Gruesome? If anything, I would expect them to be overly neat and meticulous.

Dear Diary,