Jester A. Arthur

The Irish version of the show, which is also only 45 minutes instead of a full hour, compensates by having only two challenges each episode - the Technical plus alternating between the Signature and the Showstopper. But they have an eight episode season, so this approach was obviously out of the question here.

They save her true evilness for the election episode.

"You can say it!"

Grace: \o/

It sure was the most unexpectedly funny delayed-payoff wordplay fish joke since "with friends like these, who needs anemones?".

You obviously Morse code it with your tongue on the on/off button.

David Lee will obviously figure something out about himself and then marry Alicia's brother.

Jackie's "You are an inspiration to all urban children" damn near killed me.


I dunno, "Los McAdoo" doesn't really sound that much better. But maybe "El Bibb"?

The Doctor's accentuation of the "sort of" part indicates there's a lot more to it than your regular everyday tectonics, so… I guess that would have been a far more interesting plot than the one we got.

Doctor: "Any questions?"
Osgood: "Why do you have a Union Jack parachute?"
Doctor: "Uhm, camouflage."
Osgood: "Camouflage?"
Doctor: "Yes, we're in Britain."

You can make it a trio (threesome?) with the new episodes of the British show Catastrophe (which, I am told, can be found somewhere on this interwebz thingy).

one of those wise-beyond-their-years kid (a la Trophy Wife’s Burt)

I'm pretty sure the show has namechecked them as just "Lockhart Agos" this season (so far…).

Yep. Older people are watching this show, too! I mean, Hillary Clinton mentioned on Colbert's show last week that she follows The Good Wife, and she's 68! She certainly has a right to have someone on this show to identify wi… Oh.

I'm not sure, but I think the USS Pasteur (Beverly's ship in the alternate future from "All Good Things…") had at least a mainly female bridge crew.

They asked Donald Trump to organize it. His solution was magnificent!

I knew (well, expected) it from the moment she talked to the boy on the stairs, even before she entered the apartment, because he looked so obviously fake with the fairly monotonous delivery of "emotion" and blank stare.

I vaguely recall reading an article a while back that said Sackhoff commutes between the filming locations and her home by car and uses the time to get in character.