Jess the Ripper

but why a teacher would allow her students to use her personal phone in the classroom is beyond me.

Instead of betting, how about trying to figure out what will happen? And if you don’t know, we won’t think you’re lesser for saying so.

Both of them will end up on the sexual offender registry which will ensure neither of them ever work again regardless of the outcome.

Why is my not caring about other peoples’ stupidity toward her not apparent?

I disagree on principle... but the newer study showing that gentrification seemingly helps lower income families in areas is all the rage in that area of study now:…

Let us not fall into forgetting that this is norm for male performers, too. And was the normal norm for years until the Beatles and Rock ‘n Roll placed individuals above background writers.

I’m not defending her. Because there is nothing to defend. She’s an artist, and frankly I found this whole thing to be silly. “Does Björk produce her own work?” “Yes.”

Can anybody help me think of a dissertation question about feminism and gentrification?

“So do we now stop defending black women because of what happened?”

Spend their time at school studying instead of throwing balls at hoops and propagating rape culture?

Lol... I’m gonna install a “J-Button” which does the crazy easy task of connecting to a shared network based in my home. Brilliant.

This was a suicide and I bet the insurance will end up paying out.

One-car crash and known pending charges?

The technology of the period was very slow. You often see dour expressions for the simple fact that people would pose still for hours before a proper print was made. Individuals from the period who appear happy were the result of a lot of forceful merriment.

I honestly think about running for office sometimes. I’m good with crowds, have a theater background and a ton of political experience overall.