THAT GUY!?!? Isn’t that in TV Moment Hall of Fame somewhere?
Yes! The dead broke one was great. All of the ones about money were excellent — the shopping addiction, student loans, credit card debt.
Well, as i understand it, both were released with full permission of the women, who signed releases and what not. They just had to play the “unauthorized” angle to keep it in the news.
Also, a celebrity sex tape in 2019 would be received a lot differently than it would have been received when Kim Kardashian’s sex tape or Paris Hilton’s sex tape came out because the issue of consent would be a much bigger part of the conversation.
I will never forget about Calf Implants Guy for as long as I live.
Fun Fact--Calf Implants Guy went on to do gay porn.
I’m Getting Married was FANTASTIC. The Staten Island couple where the husband forgot he was mic’ed and hulked out on his limo driver because he was late, and the wife had overfilled her lips so much they gave her a speech impediment. GOLD.
It really used to be a great show. There’s an episode called “I’m Dead Broke” that’s fantastic. Three people living in poverty, working odd and/or minimum wage jobs in different parts of the country. There was one about club drugs - I think it specifically focused on E? - that they did very early on and they had a…
Calf Implants Guy!!! I’ll never, ever forget.
I have been trying to find that episode online for so long. It’s the same episode with the two girls who eat sushi and joke about getting it lipo’ed out of them afterwards.
I used to live for this show. My favorite episodes were True Life:
Anybody else remember that one dude who got calf implants? I still randomly think about him a few times a year...
I literally thought about True Life’s “I Had Plastic Surgery” this morning. I was getting in the shower and looked at my legs and thought, “no one needs to tell me that I need calf implants.”
“I’ve been following them since I realized you could make a million dollar empire off of a sex tape.”
I’m almost hoping, for their sake, that they will never get out of this delusion? Neurosis? Psychosis? Because imagine being them, having a moment of clarity and fully realize you are idolizing the Kardashians, of all people on the planet? Oof. Then Rod Serling comes in and does an epilogue
I was at the Pete show last night and I’m surprised Jez chooses to focus on the fact he talked about Ariana and not about the fact that he basically shit all over Louis CK.
He’s more self-deprecating than mad in general, I’m not getting any sense of anger from the write up.
From what I read here, he doesn’t seem mad? He just... talked about it.