
Crazy as hell! Most banks here only offer free checking if you keep at least 1200 bucks in your account at all times or have a steady direct deposit. I had us bank and was working full time but my work did not offer direct deposit and I was not paid enough to have 12 dollars saved let alone 1200 so I ended up having

Or you have a kid and experience a catastrophic event throwing you into poverty...But I am so with you. Dirty poors should not be allowed to have children. Let’s bring back forced sterilization! Only the wealthy deserve children. Keep the bloodlines pure and rich!

Speak on it sis

Don’t want to get flamed but breastfeeding saved us a ton of money and also kept my child (I know they’re all different) stay healthy so we didn’t miss much work for illness. You’re going to be ok. I was a single parent with my first and once I was so down and broke I had to make him a diaper out of the free menstrual

Lmao to order a subscription you need a debit card that’s deducted monthly you can’t use a predatory fake ass debit card. Even if someone could maintain an actual acct which is extremely difficult if you’re not moderately paid debit at the wrong time and you don’t have the funds bam you owe the bank 50 bucks. Its

Shout to up & up! Def the best for your money. My dude leaks big time out of buggies and pampers.

Omg of course not but let’s pretend for a second one can have compassion for WOC who are judged by institutions much harsher than little old white me. JFC.

Did I place blame on them? Not once did I blame them for anything so you can take your devil’s advocate comment somewhere else. I am simply telling a story of my minor brush with them and the frenzy it sent me in and how it must be even harder on mother’s of color whos children are removed.

Californian here, and I’ve been seeing these warnings everywhere for about 5 years now. Especially big chain coffee shops(hi starbies) and restaurants. I willfully ignore them.

One week after the birth of my son, while I was still wearing a diaper, my vindictive Stepmother called CPS stating my newborn was at risk of abuse. She did this because my father had gifted me $400 without her knowledge and she demanded I pay it back because she felt I didn’t deserve it because the baby was conceived

I am literally no one and I too have said to a cop while drunk “Do you fucking know who I am!?” To which he said “Not really.” “YEAH ME EITHER!”

I’m not really here for the felon shaming. I don’t know this man, relationships fall apart whatever I left judging without merit in 2017. Too rough for my soul.

Wowwww LMAO dude is a nut job.

Surely you could have found a less offensive word to describe the way they look. It’s 2018, do better asshole.

You’re so brave. I had to stop watching “Narcos” because of how much the actor playing Pablo Escobar looked like my father. Completely took me out of the storyline. That said i don’t have much relationship with my father so that played a role I’m sure.

“You can imagine why that might be “extremely traumatic and awful and horrible” for Moss, who had only been married to Armisen for about eight months before he was sleeping around.”

He also fucked 14 year old girls so 🤔

He will die, eventually, but sadly won’t get the Gaddafi treatment which he deserves and I would thoroughly enjoy watching. He’s pushed me to this bloodlust, not proud of it.