can't spare a square

How can you tell if you’ve been hacked? I recently was required to change my Apple ID password because it was no longer secure enough per Apple Cloud web site (had lost some photos and went into it for the first time ever to retrieve them)—anyway, since then, several times I have been prompted to re-enter it. I

Nooo I used to be obsessed with David Gray in college. Ugh, f you Ivanka. Of course.

Ohmygod WHATWHYHOW . Wtf. Is there a single appropriate photo of the two of them from her adolescence????

Wow clicked on the story to say “that guy looks just like that asshole Scott Brown” because why would he be an ambassador in the Trump admin? Oh yeah because he too was a dick to Elizabeth Warren and Trump knows no politicians except for rude racist sexist losers

I’ll never understood why my parents showed me Marathon Man when I was a youngster, all the while my mom proclaiming that she is forever afraid of the dentist because of it.

My exact thought

Maybe the staffer is having their wedding on December 25 as part of the War on Christmas!

Um that is incredible. “I’m a journalist.” Lolz

100%. Was in college during SATC. Was so obsessed. Had all the DVDs, the book, couldn’t pull off the clothes but you know...knew all the lines...named off who of my friends was Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda (I was Miranda tyvm)....and I saw the first movie and hated it. Didn’t even want to see the second one!

Agreed. She’s so f-ing awkward. And what’s beautiful about it is, she knows it. You can see it in her eyes.

I think this hurts his wittle feewings so bad. He idolizes celebrities like them, wants to be in their club. I wouldn’t be surprised if he blocked her. Please do it. Then KK, please post the “Donald Trump has blocked you” page.

One of my favorite celebrities, as shallow as that sounds. I wish her strength and wellness through her treatment.

Thank you. When I cook I stink up the place. I need some walls around that beyotch.

And they’re like $4. I won’t even spend the “reasonable” $12 on various ones at Target. They just get lost. I do hate this water bottle nonsense. Also I question how often people are washing them.

The abrubpt thumbs up jabbing everywhere. Oh God. How many takes did they do?? Uh I don’t like this one bit. I’m still bitter about Ann Curry.

I have no clue who she is. I’m kinda old, but not THAT old. Like I play Lemonade in my minivan old.

I don’t think the practice of having a best friend is so bad, but saying loud and clear to everyone that __ is my best friend does cause hurt feelings and problems...I know the Meanest Mean Girl when I was in grade school had a best friend LIST. And she’d promote and demote people - it was freaking awful :(

I mean....I don’t care how impermeable you think you are to criticism from that fake MSM, you read a line like this about yourself and you must take a pause.

Watch her on the web every morning from the U.K.! I moved here and I love her more than ever.

It blows my mind that I can continue to hate them more each day. It’s like when people say “I love my __ more than I did yesterday...” and you can’t quite fathom it. This is the polar opposite.