I’m not defending TLC or the Gosselins, I think both are horrible. Just that I can’t imagine suddenly having 6 newborns in the U.S. The hospital bill alone must have been terrifying.
I’m not defending TLC or the Gosselins, I think both are horrible. Just that I can’t imagine suddenly having 6 newborns in the U.S. The hospital bill alone must have been terrifying.
If I was suddenly the parent of 8 kids, with all the medical and other expenses that entails, I might have been willing to sign on that dotted line too. Especially since the horrors of reality TV weren’t really known back then.
I bet they have a pickpocket monkey living in their crawspace. That seems the most logical explanation to me.
That is weird. I wonder if there is a portal at their house that leads to the world of lost phones.
Well, she wasn’t talking about black people. She was talking about gender inequality. And she prefaced it by admitting she’s lucky so it’s awkward for her to discuss it.
Amber and Blac are in here for a long haul daytime soap revenge plot. Which will eventually end with them taking over the Kardashian empire and booting the family out of their mansion.
I don’t know, man. I’m the opposite — much to my own annoyance, “Celeste and Jesse” is one of those movies I HAVE to watch every time it’s on. And there’s something about her that draws me in — emotional range expresses through her eyes.
I can’t get the idea out of my head that she’s related to Ginuwine and drives a Benz. I feel like if she were my aunt, she would take me on Treat Yo Self days, and it would be awesome.
Not so much, no. But Madonna’s American.
Really. Having a great rack doesn’t mean you can’t be a great person and a good mom. Denise is terrific.
Being called a cunt isn’t a big deal if you’re English.
Calling your kids dad a cunt in a very public forum is a great way to make sure your kid can't stand you.
You guysssss, motivate me to work out before the person I hired for the explicit purpose of motivating me to work out arrives.
I’m friends with Gilbert Gottfried’s wife. His kids are adorable.
I don’t think she’s looked like she’s enjoyed anything since about 2002, which is one of the things I love about her. She’s high priestess of the bored smirk.
Ashley Olsen does not look like she’s enjoying that hug. I feel you, girl.