Tammy Swanson-Swanson

I hate it. There seems to be soooo much more slobber involved than in regular oral and I’m too distracted by sucking cock to enjoy what the guy is doing. Also, asphyxiation by scrotum is not what I want my mother to read on my death certificate. Do not want.

I've only heard good things about them professionally. Kim is meant to be a total sweetheart to work with. I guess they know it's their wallets they are fucking with if they get too diva.

“Because she has probably been aborted,” said Mother Teresa.

I probably won’t watch this show, but Khloe continuously remains the one Kardashian that may still have a soul. A friend of mine worked on The X-Factor and said that in spite of her limitations and awkwardness in an on-camera host role, she worked her ass off. Showed up early, was always doing whatever she could to

Well I do believe kids need to build their immune system. This can be achieved by playing in dirt, being sick from time to time, but vaccines are there to help. If I have kids, I will vaccinate. Sorry, you can't build an immunity to polio.

THIS. I took my child to a birthday party and another mother was telling me that she had to look hard to find a doctor who shared her belief that children should not be vaccinated. She was so proud. And her child was sick. I have never left a place so fast.

This all happened in my neighborhood and started before my child could be vaccinated. Fuck all of these people who show up on the playground with kids with runny noses and rashes and proudly tell everyone their kids are unvaccinated and “building their immune systems.”

That measles outbreak led to me, a 29 year old adult, going on a magical adventure of trying to find a fucking adult MMR booster in my central CA town. Out of all the vaccine-giving pharmacies, only one in town had it.I seriously called 15 pharmacies before finding one with a freaking MMR vaccine.

Oh, and don’t get me

“Except I’m in a movie that’s representing a whole other group of disenfranchised people who have no voice in the world and this movie means so much to them.

I’ve said it before but every time I see him interact with his daughters, every little in joke, cuddle, embarrassing Dad-ism, long suffering daughter eye roll, every time the pride and love he feels shines from his eyes and radiates from his grin I miss my father so much it’s like a gut punch. Lucky girls, lucky

every month is white history month

And what makes you think that she didn’t do that and got laughed off or told that since she was a porn actress, she either was “asking for it” or “is not rape because it is her job to fuck people”?

Travolta Dog gets a pass.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

Man, some of y’all are pretty fucking judgey about certain types of porn.

I don’t get how feeding your child breastmilk is unethical. Also, thanks for the reminder that not only sailors get scurvy.

Well, that was fucking abusive.

“As you are now, so once was I

despite his whole hipster thing, i really believe he is Tom Haverford

I am so happy to have jumped on the parks and rec is the fucking best.