Tammy Swanson-Swanson

“Respect for stay-at-home mothers has been poisoned by a toxic combination of the village elders’ war on the traditional family and radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade to make working outside the home the only marker of social value and self-respect.’’

I’m surprised that this surprises anyone. His difficult personality is more anecdotal than, as you reference, Chevy Chase, but no less notable. Pretty much everything he does is set in opposition to what the current authority wants him to do.

Times like these, we all gather around to remember the profound words of Chumbawamba:

The person, who identifies himself as male, also says that while Deen is an “asshole,” he’s not a rapist...

Deen told Snow he is “baffled” by the accusations, adding, “All of the accusations are from either ex-girlfriends or events that happened on set.”

It's because her ex Reggie Bush played for the saints.

You probably wouldn’t know unless you happened to ask the right question. The actual Satanists I’ve met - as opposed to attention-seeking pretenders - tend to be very low-key, mellow people.

Sorrynotsorry to be that asshole, but the “Lauren” is the modal name, not the median name. Median is middle, so on that list, it would be the average of “Jubilee” and “Lace”, so “Juce”? I wouldn’t put it past them to bring on a 29th cast member named “Juice” so we can reassess Bachelorette statistics then.

She named her son Reign. So it’s royal but what’s above royalty? Sainthood and yeezus

I bet you she is more salty that two swanson dinners and a bowl of ramen.

How mad is Kourtney right now

I did a BDSM scene with the man mentioned in your links, and I 100% believe her (although I believe any woman who speaks out; it’s a very scary position to be in). While he did not rape me, he did not maintain my boundaries in the slightest and I had to kick him out of where we were playing. And I thought, as we all

i feel like sweden is just showing off at this point with their equality and incredibly sane country. how i get to live there.

i really don’t condone violence

Oz was like, my dream guy when I was younger. OKOK he’s still my dream guy but just like, minus the werewolf stuff.

you too?

oh my god, my incredible crush on Seth Green just came raging back. ohhhmygod.

..It was a bromance - cigar-smoking, playing tennis, doing exercise together, out macho-ing each other..