Tammy Swanson-Swanson

Egypt banned it ages ago but 94% of women there have undergone the procedure. To say Africa is decades behind when it comes to women’s health and gender attitudes is the understatement of the century. Without getting too specific, I work at the United Nations and as a regional group they oppose any language that would

Bloody hell, he looks like death warmed over. And I figure anyone who wants to get with Johnny will have done their homework. It’s no secret the dude is a wannabe so throwing out a Robert Johnson here and a WC Handy there isn’t all that difficult.

...hip hop’s biggest feminist. Ok sure.

It’s kind of disappointing how many brilliant 20th century male writers were pseudo-macho misogynists. The list is pretty long when you count them off.

And being meh, or whatever, about Nicki Minaj

Mariah just being honest about Madonna:

Now playing

If anyone has any doubts about Grande, go watch her interviews on Jimmy Fallon. She is one talented, charming, smart (I’d say brilliant) young lady. her only problem? She needs a stylist to make her look not twelve.

Me too. Her and Chloe Moretz had some of the best readings...

I loved how Sofia’s twenty-something son was fanboying the hardest over the wedding.

The husband just released this statement. I’m just about in tears because he seems so genuinely NICE and in love with her:

It’s the same mistake she ALWAYS makes and it drives me crazy. Gets a beautiful dress made for someone a foot taller, doesn’t have a tailor scale it down. Wears beautiful dress with beautiful makeup and hair and looks beautiful, except for the whole part where it doesn’t flippin’ fit.

It seems like it’s a bit too big, to me. Or cut too loosely, or something. Sort of baggy? It still looks absolutely wonderful, though, in spite of that. The depth of color is just lush as all get out and that color suits her perfectly.

I love this colour, but there’s something about the drape of it that doesn’t quite work. It also feels like it’s an odd length, like it should be a little closer to the knee, or floor length.

Flawless as ever.

I know Zendaya is super classy, but I would love to see her go up to Giuliana and say something along the lines of, “You made a lot of speculations of what I smell like, so feel free share with me now that you’ve actually met me face to face.”

Oh, step on a rusty nail, haters. This is clearly a parody of the absurdity of the fashion world these days and not transphobic at all. I don’t even think he is supposed to be transgender in the first place. I think he’s supposed to be alien-like. Which is also a joke on how people have compared Cumberbatch’s

hiring a cis actor to play a non-binary individual

JFK was given a dog by Russia. It was the puppy of one of the space dogs. He was supposedly quite fond of it.