Tammy Swanson-Swanson

People can say whatever they want about her. Her smile always makes me smile.

featuring several of your favorite musicians and Ed Sheeran.

If there’s anything hat makes my blood boil hotter than people who automatically dismiss sexual assault victims, it’s the people that say “if you didn’t know it was rape, then it wasn’t rape.”

On one occasion after a little butt sex, I went to Barney’s to try on clothes I could never afford. Proceed to let out what I thought would be a small “toot”, but what ended up being a literal avalanche of Santorum flew out of me and ended up all over what $4200 Gucci or what-have-you pants I was trying on. Haven’t

I assumed it was a cute nickname for Dipshit.

My boss assigned me a research memo and I was like “I dunno, man, I have plans to be doing girls tonight.” and he was like “Doing girls only lasts one night but this memo is forever.”

CeeLo Green is a rapist. Do not understand why people choose to not see this.

Jenny Slate: STORY. CHECKS. OUT.

I really liked her on the shamefully short-lived Ben and Kate.

I’m never again going to not think wand erection when I see one direction

The only other fascinating revelation was when Niall said he used Harry’s toothbrush once.


He’s one of those men who legitimately look better with age. It’s the human embodiment of what you want for your investment portfolio.

Man, everyone milked Paul Walker’s death so much, it’s disgusting. And then there’s the separate issue of everyone “crying” over it constantly for months and months, like he was some incredible, iconic talent. Did he become an incredibly valuable actor while I wasn’t paying attention?

Drift 4 Jesus.

When will this franchise die? I’m 100% convinced that they will continue making these movies even if all the lead characters die a painful death on set. I won’t be surprised if one of the spin-off has a scene with Paul Walker and God drifting in heaven.


I was super into the Christian Bale of Drew Barrymore’s late teen years. I absolutely loved him as Laurie in Little Women and Jack in Newsies. The Christian Bale of right now? Hard pass.

Yes, I enjoy the pop culture posts on Jezebel, including Dirt Bag and Tweet Beat. The MAIN reason I’m here though is for the stellar writing and reporting on feminist issues. The authors here are badass. Please, Gawker, don’t make them pop reporters first and feminists second.