Tammy Swanson-Swanson

Will and Grace Woody Harrelson.


I bet he gives great hugs.

I could see it both ways. She has that look between amusement and annoyance which I see in a lot of married couples who really love each other, and he’s just adorable. ADORABLE. How is it that he gets better looking every time I see him?!?!

And there he is... David Fucking Spade.

Probably not.

David Spade seems like one of those guys that you don’t ever want to hug because you just know he’s getting way more out of it than you’re putting into it. He just gives me the creeps.

Was there anyone before Missy?

Austenland which SM was a producer on was a great movie and I loved fringe so I’m pretty excited about this. Also all this work she’s done championing Women directors, writers and producers has really warmed me up to her, so I hope she brings in more women bts with this.

As long as all the vampires have glitter - how could it go wrong?

How did anyone think the imprinting thing was anything other than really gross? Oh you’re just going to hang around waiting for that kid to get old enough to bang? Yeah, no.

It’s going to be a vampire series about people/vampires named Bedward and Ella called “Midafternoon,” and it’s totally going to be unique and interesting.

I mean, at least it can’t be any worse than the whole baby-vampire-thing, I mean, lightning doesn’t strike twice, right?

I’m not a twilight fan but I’m pro-this. Meyer produced Austenland which was AMAZING/HILARIOUS so I feel like she has a good quirky eye for projects.

Freckles may be in, but I still can’t escape “omg, you’re so pale, go get a tan.” Especially now that I live in Los Angeles.

You were always cute Kat you just needed the Internet to tell you. Soon we may decide you are smart, well dressed or great at baseball. What’s that Kat? You don’t play baseball? That’s not what the Internet said.

So when I was 19 an older guy (maybe early 40s?) came up to me at work (on a boat...I was in the galley) and said, “Heyyy, where’d you get the angel kisses?”

As someone who hates my freckles I do not understand why anyone would want to achieve a freckle look. If I could get rid of them, I would. (Sorry to be a negative nancy.)

I spent my entire life hiding my freckles. I'm glad now to hear I'm suddenly cute.

This is a terrible and tacky idea and I would like them to take my money now pls.