Tammy Swanson-Swanson

LOL. I know. I saw the butt gif and thought of posting it. But I’ll be honest. I am very picky about butt gifs. This is the best butt gif of all time (so far) to me.

He was also in seasons 2-5 of Stargate: Atlantis, which has significantly less rape and gore.

I have the same eyebrow scar, so I’m going to pretend I’m now hot by association.

Yes, they have beautiful babies.

He most popular recently - was on Game of Thrones, he is married to Lisa Bonet, all around seems to be like a good guy on top of being ridiculously gorgeous.

Really? Women identifying as lesbian is “out of control” to you and your friends? We should just subsume our identities under a word that’s often associated with men, instead of with us and our history, to save a syllable? That’s really harsh. “L” wasn’t added “like every year”. The term lesbian has been around for

Their harmonies are spectacular, and they have great voices. The fact that they sound so clear and pitch-perfect on a shitty phone recording is really something.

Not sure one poor over publicized example proves a rule. A lot of us in trans community get angry at the GLB community because of its tendencies to throw us under buses and write us out of history but we often still support the GLB community. Partially cause a ton of us are GLB as this poll shows.

So every trans, and nonbinary person who stood up during the stonewall riots (and marked the first serious public discussion of change in the US) doesn’t matter? Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson didn’t help spark a movement for this bullshit. This is literally the attitude hinted at in the movie Stonewall come to

While it is true that Caitlyn Jenner transitioned with privileges that far too few trans* enjoy, I think responses like Mr. Smith’s make it pretty clear that transitioning is still an act of bravery.

It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.

Kristen Bell:

A friend of mine once said that where my bones are supposed to be, there's only tears.

it’s weird, def made me cringe. But she went through a trauma. Trauma makes you do/say weird things.

Yes. Pauly definitely reads as a completely out-of-touch rich celeb. But she was assaulted. Making fun of real violence against women is why people don’t take women’s issues seriously.

“My beloved homeless people that I spend my life protecting”is a dumb thing to say, to be fair.

An all white jury eh?

Kylie Minogue’s singing career is a total mystery to me. She sings like a cat being strangled in a metal dustbin. It’s so tinny and squeaky it hurts my teeth.